How to Use Your Book Review to Increase Your Book’s Buzz and Sales
How will your book get discovered?
Book Reviews Create the Foundation of Author Platforms.
Author Platform = Discoverability of Your Book
How? Book reviews give the author, the publisher and the bookseller something to utilize for developing discourse with readers —and that is the foundation of building audience for your book.
A Professional, Unbiased and Objective Book Review is One of Your Most Powerful Tools to getting Your Book for Discovered by Readers and Booksellers.
CBRM offers the following 18 Tips for utilizing book reviews to create buzz and book sales or download the PDF here.
- First wait until after you have actually received the review, read it, and then have someone else read it to confirm your interpretation that it is indeed favorable), then proceed to Step 2.
- Post that you are expecting a review of your title. Tweet it, Tumble, DisQus, and announce in anyway possible that you have submitted your title for review and that you are expecting that you will receive it any moment/day now.
- Post the website of the professional reviewer to your followers. Ask them to keep a look-out for the review. Once again, use this as an opportunity to get your pen name and book title out in the publishing universe by tweeting and posting this information to social media sites.
- Put the Internet and Social Media to work for your book. Post the review on your website and the book’s website.
- Post the review to the Editorial Review sections for your title on Amazon, B&N, GoodReads, SmashWords, XLibris, etc.
- Send the review to your publisher or to anyone whose service you have solicited such as: cover art, editorial services, & marketing services.
- Cover Quotes. Make sure to include “pop outs” of the review on your website, in your promotion pieces such as on book marks, postcards, and advertisements.
- Next, post these pop-outs and cover quotes on all of your social media sites.
- If you belong to a writing group, chapter, or association, be sure to post an invitation to that local chapter’s blog to visit your website to read the review or, better yet, post the entire review if allowed.
- Send a copy of the review to your local booksellers and libraries.
- If the title resonates with a particular group such as real estate agents, Steampunk affectionados, historical boats, knitters, romance lovers—whatever the affiliations might be, email the review to them, too.
- Do these affiliations have newsletters? blogs? magazines? Contact them to see if they might be interested publishing the review to their members.
- Comment on other blogs! Remember that you are BUILDING AUDIENCE. Keep getting your pen name and book title out there in the Cyber-universe of book publishing.
- Follow-up! Follow-up! Follow-up! Be sure to acknowledge any new Twitter followers, FaceBook “likers,” DisQus commentators, or anyone who had any reaction to your postings at all.
- Re-tweet, re-post, re-broadcast any positive reactions to the review.
- Check to see if you have received any comments on Amazon, B&N, GoodReads, etc. If so, respond to the comments.
- Post positive reactions to your author’s website and your book’s website (And yes, you do need to have a website for each book title). This will increase your Google Rankings.
- Remember to always give credit to the review site and reviewer on all postings and publications (digital or print).
Have you read Chanticleer’s articles on:
- Building Audience
- Author Platform = Discoverability of Your Book
- How to Identify Your Readers
Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media–We help good books get discovered.