“The Good, the Bad and the Unvarnished Truth: What Authors Need to Know about Traditional Publishing, Self-Publishing, and E-books Today” presented by award-winning mystery novelist, Pamela Beason.
It is harder than ever for a new author to get a contract with a major publisher. Meanwhile, some self-published authors have made millions on their own. Are literary agents and traditional publishers the key to success? Or are they dinosaurs about to be snuffed out by the avalanche of self-published e-books?
Join author Pamela Beason at Whatcom Writers and Publishers monthly dinner meeting, Wednesday, April 18 at 6 p.m. at Windows on the Bay Events, as she honestly discusses her journey in the publishing world. She will share her experiences with you about what to expect and what is required in today’s publishing market.
Beason is the author of four novels: The Only Witness, Shaken, Call of the Jaquar and Endangered (first in a new Berkley Prime Crime series). Her writing has earned her multiple prizes, including the Daphne du Maurier Award.
She lives in Bellingham, where she writes novels and screenplays. She also works as a private investigator, freelance editor and writer. www.pamelabeason.com
This is a dinner event. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Tickets are $ 18 per person and includes dinner and dessert. Cash Bar is available. For RSVP and more information email: cdleeper@hotmail.com, or call 714.8901, or visit www.WhatcomWritersAndPublishers.org.
WWP is a professional organization of local writers, publishers, editors and media specialists in the Pacific Northwest.
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