This News Just In!
The Chaucer Award Winners for Historical Novels and the Laramie Award Winners for Western Fiction, divisions of the Chanticleer International Writing Competitions, will be recognized at the 6th Historical Novels Society Conference.
The award winning authors will be recognized at the HNS Costume and Awards Banquet held on
Saturday evening with special guest speaker Diana Galbaldon, the author of the acclaimed Outlander book series as well as the TV series on Starz.
Janet Oakley, who won the Chanticleer Grand Prize for her historical novel Tree Soldier and Sean Curley, the Chaucer Awards grand prize winner for his novel Propositum will be recognized along with other First In Category award winners for these two Chanticleer Writing Competitions divisions.
If you are attending HNS and are a First in Category Award Winner or Finalist in the Chaucer or Laramie Awards, please contact Kiffer Brown immediately at: KBrown@Chanticleer Reviews.com. Thank you! We have to prepare!
Previously, winners were to be announced at the Saturday HNS Luncheon, but the HNS Board wonderfully surprised us and moved the announcement to the Saturday evening’s Costume and Awards Banquet.
We are excited to have the Historical Novel Society as an affiliate of Chanticleer Reviews and Writing Competitions. And we are proud to be a Literary Affiliate of the venerable HNS!
Chanticleer Reviews and Writing Competitions is honored to be an Official Literary Affiliate of the Historical Novel Society – North America.
Representatives of the Historical Novel Society will present and have an information table at the Chanticleer Authors Conference 2015 and will recognize the Chaucer Award Winners at the Chanticleer Awards Banquet and Gala.
Now this is something to crow about! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!
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