The CHATELAINE Writing Competition recognizes emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genres of Romantic Fiction and Women’s Fiction. The Chatelaine Awards is a division of Chanticleer International Novel Writing Competitions.
More than $30,000.00 dollars worth of cash and prizes will be awarded to Chanticleer Book Reviews 2015 writing competition winners at the Chanticleer Authors Conference April 30, 2016!
The Chatelaine Awards FIRST IN CATEGORY sub-genres are:
- Contemporary Romance
- Romantic Adventure/Suspense
- Historical Romance
- Inspirational/Restorative Romance
- Romantic Steamy/Sensual (not erotica)
The following titles will compete for the FIRST IN CATEGORY Positions and Awards Packages.
This is the OFFICIAL FINALIST POSTING of the 2015 CHATELAINE Novel Writing Competition.
- Natasha Boyd for Deep Blue Eternity
- Katharine Giles for The Mystery of the Jeweled Box
- Nicole Evelina for Daughter of Destiny
- Ellen Butler for Poplar Place and Planning for Love
- Dana Faletti for Beautiful Secret
- John Herman for My Father’s S0n
- Cynthia Osborne Hoskin for The Tides of Fall
- Frances Howard-Snyder for A Difficult Woman
- Jacquelynn Price for Higher Learning
- John Herman for The Counting of the Coup
- Kaylin McFarren for Banished Threads
- Terri Lyndie for Wolf Eye Alibi
- MK McClintock for Blackwood Crossing
- Susan Örnbratt for The Particular Appeal of Gilliane Pugsley
- Belangela G. Tarazona for Hiatus
- Mary Ann Henry for Ladies in Low Places
- Linda J. Cox for Smolder on a Slow Burn
- Andrea Downing for Dances of the Heart
- Cynthia Ripley Miller for On the Edge of Sunrise
- Nicola Italia for Love In the Valley
- Nicola Italia for The Tea Plantation
- Regan Walker for To Tame the Wind
- Kate Vale for Crossing Paths
- Diana Green for Bronze Fox
- Kayce Stevens Hughlett for Blue
- CG Fewston for A Time to Love in Tehran
- Nancy LaPonzina for Yellow Pansies in a Blue Cobalt Jar
- Jennifer Kohout for Master Of Tides
- Elle G. Mraz for Love Me Back to Life
- Natasha Boyd for Deep Blue Eternity
- Carolyn Haley for Into the Sunrise
- Eleanor Webster for No Conventional Miss
- Andrea Simonne for Year of Living Blonde
- Joanne Guidoccio for A Season for Killing Blondes
- Ellen Butler for Planning for Love
- Rebecca Hunter for Stockholm Diaries, Caroline
- Andrea Weir for A Foolish Consistency
- Catherine A Wilson and Catherine T Wilson for The Gilded Crown
- Miriam Polli for In the Vertigo of Silence
- Eleanor Tatum for Gray Lace
- Jennifer Snow for Falling for Leigh
- Jennifer Snow for The Mistletoe Melody
- J.L Oakley for Mist-shi-mus: A Novel of Captivity
- Danica Winters for Smoke and Ashes
- Julie LeMense for Once Upon A Scandal
This list is the Official Posting of the 2015 Chatelaine Finalists. We will begin announcing the 2015 Chatelaine First Place Category Winners on March 1, 2016. Good luck to all in one of our most competitive novel competitions!
Note from Kiffer Brown, president of Chanticleer Book Reviews:
We have moved the Chanticleer Reviews Writing Competition Awards evening up from September to April. Our last awards evening was Sept. 29, 2015 when we presented the 2014 awards. We have moved our awards evening up from Sept. 24, 2016 to April 30, 2016 to announce the 2015 awards winners. This move makes the 2015 awards more relevant and recent for the winning authors. However, the date change has given us only six months to judge all the entries instead of the usual twelve months. But, after this April 30, 2016 awards ceremony, we will be back to having an entire year for the judging rounds for the 2016 contest submissions whose winners will be announced in April 2017 instead of September 2017.
Moving the awards ceremony also means that we had to move the conference and the accompanying book fair also up from September to April, which means we only have six months between CAC15 and CAC16. The reason why we scheduled CAC in September was because it was the only time available on the writer conferences’ schedule. When there was an opening in April, we grabbed it!
Thank you, again, for your patience and understanding! It is much appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at KBrown@ChantiReviews.com if you have any questions or concerns.
The Chatelaine Finalists will compete for the Chatelaine Awards First In Category Positions, which consists of Four Judging Rounds. First Place Category Award winners will automatically be entered into the Chatelaine GRAND PRIZE AWARD competition, which has a cash prize of $250 or $500 dollars in editorial services. The CBR Grand Prize Genre Winners will compete for the CBR Overall Grand Prize for Best Book and its $1,000 purse.
- All First In Category Award Winners will receive high visibility along with special badges to wear during the Chanticleer Authors Conference and Awards Gala.
- First In Category winners will compete for the Chatelaine Awards Grand Prize Award for the $250 purse and the Chaucer Grand Prize Ribbon and badges.
- TEN genre Grand Prize winning titles will compete for the $1,000 purse for CBR Best Book and Overall Grand Prize.
- A coveted Chanticleer Book Review valued at $345 dollars U.S. CBR reviews will be published in the Chanticleer Reviews magazine in chronological order as to posting.
- A CBR Blue Ribbon to use in promotion at book signings and book festivals
- Digital award stickers for on-line promotion
- Adhesive book stickers
- Shelf-talkers and other promotional items
- Promotion in print and on-line media
- Review of book distributed to on-line sites and printed media publications
- Review, cover art, and author synopsis listed in CBR’s newsletter
- Default First in Category winners will not be declared. Contests are based on merit and writing craft in all of the Chanticleer Writing Competitions.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions at Info@ChantiReviews.com.
Congratulations to the Finalists in this fiercely competitive contest!
Good Luck to all of the Chatelaine Finalists as they compete for the coveted First Place Category positions.
First In Category announcements will be made in our social media postings as the results come in.
The Chatelaine Grand Prize Winner will be announced at the April 30th, 2016 Chanticleer Writing Contests Annual Awards Gala, which takes place on the last evening of the Chanticleer Authors Conference that will be held in Bellingham, Wash.
We are now accepting submissions into the 2016 Chatelaine Awards writing competitions for Romantic Fiction. Please click here for more information or to enter the contests.
So very honored to be on this wonderful list of authors.
[…] is in workshop for a fall publication. I’m very pleased that it is a finalist in the Chatelaine Romance Awards for 2015. I’ll have more on the research I did for over the next few months. […]
I’m thrilled to be a part of this list! Thank you so much.
[…] Congratulations are due to SFB Regular Contributor Frances Howard-Snyder. Her short story, The Letter, was accepted for publication at Youth Imagination. Also four of her short stories will be published by Alfie Dog. And finally, her novel, A Difficult Woman, is a finalist in the romance category at Chanticleer. […]
Wow! I didn’t even know I was a finalist here. Pleasant surprise.