[Editor's note: Chanticleer no longer offers these services]
It’s Showtime!
Get your books in the SPOTLIGHT!
The deadline to reserve your place in our Chanticleer Collection, get discovered, and get exposure at trade shows is August 5th, 2017.
This deadline will allow us enough time to create our on-line catalog for these fall shows:
- Pacific Northwest Bookseller Association Trade Show – Oct. 8 – 10, 2017
- Mountains & Plains Independent Bookseller Association Trade Show – Oct. 12 -14, 2017
- Northern California Independant Bookseller Association Trade Show – Oct. 18 – 20, 2017
- Southern Independent Bookseller Association Trade Show – SIBA Sept. 15 – 17, 2017
Please click the links above to reserve your spot on our table at each.
What is the big deal about a bookseller trade show?
Booksellers, librarians, book distributors, Indie and small presses, along with the big-five publishers participate in regional trade shows to make their book purchasing and business decisions. These shows are for the trade–not open to the general public. They are an amazing opportunity for books to vastly increase distribution and to gain visibility and book buzz.
Why go with Chanticleer? Why not buy your own table?
Lone authors sometimes pay the exhibitor fees for a booth at these shows, but there are two problems with that. First, the fees can be very high. Second, they are obvious self-promoters. Book buyers often avoid or skim past single author booths. It doesn’t matter if the book is fantastic, all they can see is that someone is paying a lot of money to bring their book to the trade show…and the implication is that the book could not be there otherwise.
Avoid this stigma by reserving a place for your book on the Chanticleer Reviews Table at regional trade shows. Let someone else tell these buyers that your books are worth reading. This is the power of referral. Also, it is known that Chanticleer Reviews only allows books that have been vetted through our editorial book reviews and/or writing competitions. Chanticleer’s reputation as a professional editorial reviewer is at stake, so only the best books that meet our requirements are allowed to be on the table. This means we are a trusted source!
Hand-selling Books is Alive and Well at Bookseller Trade Shows
Make sure that your books do not end up on a shelf with hundreds of other books without any sort of old fashion salesmanship going on. We have seen many a book displayed as promised on shelf without the benefit of a human anywhere in sight to connect with or ask questions about the offerings. These sections are usually separated off unto themselves in some low-traffic area of the tradeshow. Books are neatly displayed without regard to genre or interest. Sale sheets are kept in a separate area in a notebook.
Kiffer Brown and Diane Sillan Isaacs will be hand-selling the Chanticleer Collection right along side of Sillan Pace Brown Publishing + Production books at each tradeshow. They are also collaborating with other publishers to group together for a bigger footprint in the tradeshows.
Sell Sheets will be displayed beside of the related book for easy pick-up by interested parties instead of being off to the side in a notebook.
Also, we are happy to work with authors of the Chanticleer Community to set-up and collaborate on specific promotional opportunities with each trade show as a liason. Just make a note in the comment field on the registration form.
What are the requirements to have a book represented by Chanticleer Reviews Collection?
Only titles that have been vetted through Chanticleer Editorial Reviews or through the Chanticleer Writing competitions are eligible for Trade Show Representation.
Books must have been awarded a four or five starred review and/or placed as a First-in-Category position in the hanticleer International Writing genre competitions.
It is recommended you have a distribution channel that bookstore buyers use commonly available for orders (such as Ingram Spark, etc.)
Each title must have its own Sell Sheet.
Sell Sheets must be 8 1/2 by 11 inches with the following information:
- Complete title, author name
- Genre and sub-genres
- Publication Date
- ISBN designation
- Number of pages for print versions
- Cover photo
- Retail Price
- Brief synopsis
- Author brief bio and author photo
- Marketing blurbs & Editorial Review excerpts
- Concise awards information
- Description of available formats
- Distributor
- Author website or contact information
- All on one sheet, so be concise
See a Sample Sell Sheet. This is what bookstore buyers will be taking with them to place their order from when they are back in their store. Chanticleer does not take orders for books.
If you want us to design and print your customized Sell Sheet for an extra charge, please ask.
Distribution channels and offset printing services for the Chanticleer Collections are available. Please contact us at Distribution@Chantipub.com for more information.
Learn more about Chanticleer Trade Show Representation.
I’m going to do it!! Very excited to get my book out there.
When I click on the Sample Sell Sheet, I get a ‘not found’ error message.
Hi Karen, Thank you for reporting the 404 error. It has be corrected. Please do let us know if you are still having issues with the link. -kb