Veterans Day Post
Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s military veterans and active military members for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good of the United States of America.
Honoring those who are serving, have served, and those who have fallen while in military service is a tradition here at Chanticleer Reviews.
Some statistics regarding U. S. Veterans*:
- 22 veterans, on average, commit suicide every day.
- The suicide rate for younger veterans (18 -29) is 7 times higher than their civilian peers.
- The rate of suicide among veterans is 21 percent higher than the rest of the country.
- The suicide rate of among female veterans is a 140 percent higher than their civilian peers.
- No one knows how many military spouses and families members commit suicide.
- There are 18.8 million veterans living in the United States.
- 3.8 million of these veterans are disabled (2014).
- U.S. military is the world’s second largest (China’s army is the largest) and troops are deployed across the globe.
- It is believed that 45 percent of all veterans who served in the Middle East are disabled.
Three Ground-breaking Books
Here are three ground breaking books that we have reviewed that may be a valuable resource to those who have served or who have loved ones who have served in the US military or are family members of military veterans.
Merry Christmas and a Happy PTSD by Christopher Oelerich, author & Vietnam Veteran
“A very personal, no-holds-barred yet ultimately empowering discussion of PTSD and its effects on those who suffer from it.” – CBR
The book has been written in a ‘How To’ format for combat soldiers which is reflected in examples and language.
“I went away to war one person and came back another, and in my wildest dreams would never have chosen to be the one who came back…I was a twenty year old Warrant Officer Helicopter Pilot fresh out of flight school when I arrived in South Vietnam in May of 1969 and was assigned to B Troop 7/17 Air Cav in Pleiku. I joined the Scout Platoon and spent my entire tour as a Scout Pilot in the Central Highlands, and in that time saw my friends killed, captured, wounded and lose their minds. “
Life on Base: Quantico Cave by Tom and Nancy Wise
Life On Base is a is a riveting portrayal of the lives of children (who call themselves “military brats”) whose parents serve in the armed forces.
“As the child of a United States Marine, I grew up in ways most American’s will never have the opportunity to experience.
The difference is in the details. We looked both ways before crossing a tank path in the woods and collected spent bullet casings in the long abandoned trenches.We waved to the MP’s, not the police, and our parents shopped at the commissary and PX, not the grocery store and department store. When playing sports, we stopped mid-stride at the sound of the evening trumpet call and stood at attention while the flag was retired. Then there was the rare time out as a helicopter landed in the middle of the ball field.”
A fun post for Military Brats: 25 Signs that you grew up as a military brat.
Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife by Barbara McNally
A ground-breaking initiative, Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife, by Barbara McNally, offers advice and hope to those who are trying to understand and cope with war’s many aftershocks.
“The critical issues surrounding post-traumatic stress among America’s wounded warriors is expanded here to include the challenges and concerns of military wives and families.
Barbara McNally was working as a physical therapist when she watched helplessly as a man jumped off a bridge to his death. Feeling involved in his tragedy, she learned he was a wounded veteran. The experience spurred her to find out more about PTS and its effects on those who have participated in war. Gradually her attention focused on the plight of the wives of these wounded military survivors.”
If you have a moment, take time to watch this video that offers an intimate look into the chaotic and demanding lives of military spouses as they adjust to living with mentally and physically injured combat veterans. Please feel free to share.
2015’s Veterans Day post features Three Top-Rated Thrillers by Authors Who Have Served Their Country These page-turning thriller novels with unlikely heroes that make for great reads –all authored by Veterans!
With Appreciation and Gratitude to Veterans and those men and women who are Actively Serving. THANK YOU!
*Sources: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, American Community Survey 2015, United States Census Bureau, Just a Note from the blog post author, Kiffer Brown:
I have too many memories from my childhood (Vietnam War era) dreading the sight of the roving green car that delivers death notifications. These official cars seem to be always circling the base housing neighborhoods. All of us kids would be secretly praying that it wouldn’t stop at our place. Yes, military brats have a very different childhood from the “civvies” – for sure.
Thank you for taking the time to read my annual Veterans Day blog post. Semper Fi!

My big brother Tony and his eldest daughter, Tammy.

My dad, big brother and me.

Lt Billy Wayne Flynn
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