The CHAUCER Book Awards recognize emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Historical Fiction set before the 1750s. The Chaucer Book Awards is a genre division of Chanticleer International Book Awards (#CIBA).
Chanticleer Book Reviews is seeking for the best books featuring Pre-1750s Historical Fiction, including pre-history, ancient history, Classical, world history (non-western culture), Dark Ages and Medieval Europe, Renaissance, Elizabethan, Tudor, 1600s, we will put them to the test and choose the best among them. (Looking for Goethe Post 1750 contest or Laramie Western/Pioneer/Civil War contest?)
These Semi-Finalists will compete for the coveted five positions of the First Place Category Winners of the 2018 CHAUCER Book Awards in the final rounds of judging. The First Place Category winners will automatically be entered into the CHAUCER GRAND PRIZE AWARD competition. The 16 CBR Grand Prize Genre Winners will compete for the CBR Overall Grand Prize for Best Book and its $1,000 purse. First Place Category and Grand Prize Awards will be announced and recognized at the Chanticleer Awards Banquet and Ceremony on Saturday, April 27th, 2019, Bellingham, Washington.
These titles are in the running for the limited First Place positions of the 2018 CHAUCER Book Awards novel competition for pre-1750s Post Historical Novels.
Good luck to all in these next final rounds of judging to see which titles will move forward.
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 CHAUCER Book Awards SemiFinalists:
- Nicole Evelina – Mistress of Legend (Guinevere’s Tale Book 3)
- Jehan d’Elleby – Lanz & Gwenhevre: Love Against the Tide
- Prue Batten – Michael – Book 3 of the Triptych Chronicle
- Edward Rickford – The Serpent and the Eagle
- Bernard Mann – David & Avshalom — Life and Death in the Forest of Angels
- Gregory Hansen – Pelsaert’s Nightmare
- P.K. Adams – The Greenest Branch, a Novel of Germany’s First Female Physician
- Helena P. Schrader – Rebels against Tyranny: Civil War in the Crusader States
- Eileen Stephenson – Imperial Passions – The Porta Aurea
- Robert Wright – King David’s Lost Crown, first of the Before They Awaken Trilogy
- Anna Belfrage – Under the Approaching Dark
- Kate Murdoch – Stone Circle
All Short Listers and SemiFinalists will receive high visibility along with special badges to wear during the Chanticleer Authors Conference and Awards Gala.
Good Luck to each of you as your work competes for the 2018 CHAUCER Book Awards First Place positions and the CHAUCER 2018 Grand Prize.
To view the 2017 CHAUCER Book Awards winners, please click here.
The CHAUCER Grand Prize Winner and the First Place Category Position award winners will be announced at the April 27th, 2019 Chanticleer Book Awards Annual Awards Gala, which takes place at the Chanticleer Authors Conference that will be held in Bellingham, Wash.

CHAUCER Grand Prize Award Winners Catherine T. Wilson & Catherine A. Wilson
We are now accepting submissions into the 2019 CHAUCER Book Awards writing competition. The deadline for submissions is June 30th, 2019. Please click here for more information.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions at Info@ChantiReviews.com.
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