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Hello to You, Wherever You Are Roosting.
I do hope that this email finds you well and safe during this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic that is presenting new challenges on many fronts: globally, nationally, and locally.
If you are like me, you found yourself this past week checking on loved ones, procuring supplies for self-isolation, reading the latest news and updates on the coronavirus, and scrambling around to try to batten down the hatches for the approaching storm along with trying to make some sort of sense out of what is happening on different fronts.
We want to extend our concern and support to you, dear Chanticleer Community. We consider you our friends and colleagues. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these trying times.
While Chanticleer Reviews is based out of a small corner in the great Pacific Northwest, in Bellingham, Wash., our community is indeed global. Chanticleerians hail from the fifty states and territories of the USA, Canada, England, Australia, Holland, Germany, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, and the list goes on. The Chanticleer Community is truly global. We are all in this together. And together we are strong.
Please know that the Chanticleer Team of professional reviewers, top-notch editors, picky book awards judges, bloggers, graphic artists, SEO and Meta-Data specialists, website masters, and others all have worked as telecommuters for years (as is now standard for many in the publishing industry) and we are ready to serve you.
As for our small admin team and student interns, we began working from our homes starting on Sunday, March 8th for the protection of our small staff and to do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. The university and the local college closed on Wednesday, March 11th sending most students back to their homes. Now that we are all working from our respective home offices for a while, the best way to reach us is by the emails listed at the close of this post.
By now, many of you know that the Chanticleer Authors Conference that was scheduled for mid-April has been rescheduled to be held on September 4-6, 2020 at the beautiful Hotel Bellwether, Bellingham. The good news is that ALL of the keynote presenters and faculty have confirmed to present and teach for the new dates. CAC20 is now a little more than five months in the future and we are looking forward to it immensely!
Meanwhile, the Spring edition of the Chanticleer Reviews magazine is about ready to publish. Our professional reviewers and editors are staying busy.
We have added new divisions to the 2020 Chanticleer International Book Awards to accommodate the increasing number of entries submitted. Judges are busy with the difficult responsibility of deciding which of the 2019 CIBA finalists will advance to the next level. We are shooting for early May to make announcements regarding the 2019 CIBAs. We will keep you posted and updated as soon as we hear anything. Promise!
Since 2010, Chanticleer has grown authentically and organically with your support and patronage. We will continue to post our informative blogs on writing craft, marketing tips and tools, the latest in publishing technology for authors and publishers in this new era of content creation for storytelling in all its forms.
We look forward to working with you on your writing projects in the 2020’s and beyond. Please look for our blog posts, emails, videos, podcasts, and social media postings. If you haven’t subscribed to our free e-news, we invite you to do so. Also, we are starting a column on the Chanticleer Reviews website to promote your good news, book launches, and promotions. We are currently reaching out to online Book Clubs and will have more news about that. So, please stay tuned!
We encourage you to stay in contact with each other and with us during this stint of practicing physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Let us know how you are doing, what is going on where you live, how are you progressing on your writing projects.
I invite each of you to join us at The Roost – a private online Chanticleer Community for writers and authors and publishing professionals.
We are active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can find us by using our social media handle @ChantiReviews
Minimize physical contact! Maximize social connecting!
Here are our contact emails:
General information:
Take care, be safe.
Keep writing and creating magic!
Kiffer and Sharon & Entire Team Chanticleer
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