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We are deeply honored and excited to continue to announce the 2019 Winners of the Chanticleer International Book Awards (The CIBAs).
The winners were recognized at the Virtual Chanticleer Authors Conference and Awards Ceremonies that were held on during VCAC September 8 – 13, 2020 by ZOOM webinars based at the luxurious Hotel Bellwether, Bellingham, Wash.
We cheered on the CIBA Premier Finalists with our bubbly of choice from wherever we were Zooming!
The CIBA announcements were made LIVE with Chanticleerians participating and interacting from around the globe and North America. A virtual happy hour was held following each evening’s announcements.
We want to thank all of the CIBA judges who read each and every entry and then comment, rate, and rank within each of the 17 CIBA Divisions. Without your labors of love for books, the Chanticleer International Book Awards would not exist. THANK YOU!
We want to thank all of the authors and publishers who participated in the 2019 Chanticleer International Book Awards (the CIBAs). Each year, we find the quality of the entries and the competitiveness of the division competitions increasing exponentially. We added a new level to the judging rounds in 2019—the premier Level of FINALIST per each CIBA Division. The CIBA judges wanted to add the Finalist Level of Achievement as a way to recognize and validate the entries that had outstanding merit but were not selected for the very few First Place Award positions within each genre division.
We are honored to present the
2019 Chanticleer International Book Awards
Grand Prize Winners
The 2019 CIBA Winners!
The LARAMIE Book Awards for American, Western, Pioneer, Civil War, and First Nation Novels
The Grand Prize Winner is
SEVEN APRILS by Eileen Charbonneau
- E. Alan Fleischauer – Rescued
- Lynwood Kelly – The Gamble: Lost Treasures
- David Fitz-Gerald– Wanders Far-An Unlikely Hero’s Journey
- Juliette Douglas – Bed of Conspiracy
- John Hansen – Hard Times
- J. R. Collins – Spirit of the Rabbit Place
The CHAUCER Book Awards for
Pre-1750s Historical Fiction
Grand Prize Winner is
FORTUNE’S CHILD: A Novel of Empress Theodora
by James Conroyd Martin
- Gail Avery Halverson for The Skeptical Physick
- Linda Cardillo for Love That Moves the Sun: Vittoria Colonna and Michelangelo Buonarotti
- June Hall McCash for Eleanor’s Daughter: A Novel of Marie de Champagne
- James Hutson-Wiley for The Sugar Merchant
- Catherine Mathis for Death in Coimbra
- Patricia J. Boomsma for The Way of Glory
- A.L. Cleven for 26.2
The GOETHE Book Awards for
Post-1750’s Historical Fiction
Grand Prize Winner is
PECCADILLO at the PALACE by Kari Bovee
- Vanda Writer for Paris, Adrift
- PJ Devlin for Wissahickon Souls
- Mary Adler for Shadowed by Death: An Oliver Wright WWII Mystery
- Mike Jordan for The Runner
- J.G. Schwartz for The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy
LITTLE PEEPS Book Awards for
Early Readers and Picture Books
Grand Prize Winner is
GALDO’S GIFT: The Boovie
by Trevor Young & Eleanor Long
- Sylva Fae and Katie Weaver for Elfabet
- Lauren Mosback for My Sister’s Super Skills
- Norma Lewis for Totem Pole
- Kizzie Jones for A Tall Tale About Dachshunds in Costumes: How MORE Dogs Came to Be
- Justine Avery forWhat Wonders Do You See… When You Dream?
- Kasey J. Claytor for Pinky and The Magical Secret He Kept Inside
- Robert Wright Jr for Mummy in the Museum
Middle-Grade Books
Grand Prize is
The VALLEY of DEATH, Book 5 by Alex Paul
- Amber L. Wyss – Phoenix Rising
- M.J. Evans – PINTO!
- Beth Stickley – Tarnation’s Gate
- Rey Clark – Legends of the Vale
- Laura M. Kemp – Burnt Feathers
- Alex Paul – The Valley of Death, Book 5, Arken Freeth and the Adventure of the Neanderthals
- C.R. Stewart – Britfield and the Lost Crown
- Trayner Bane – Windhollow and the Axe Breaker (Windhollows, Book 3)
- Carolyn Watkins – The Knock…a collection of childhood memories
for Young Adult Fiction
Grand Prize Winner is
BUT NOT FOREVER by Jan Von Schleh
- Michelle Rene – Manufactured Witches
- Nancy Thorne – Victorian Town
- Susan Brown – Twelve
- Sandra L Rostirolla – Cecilia
- David Patneaude – Fast Backward
- John Middleton – Dillion & The Curse of Arminius
Congratulations to ALL!
We will email each winner with more information about their prize packages and more information.
Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE us Facebook and on Twitter @ChantiReviews
Please standby for our next posts that will honor:
- Chatelaine Book Award Winners
- Somerset Book Award Winners
- Journey Book Award Winners
- Nellie Bly Book Award Winners
- Instructional and Insight Book Award Winners
And the OVERALL GRAND PRIZE for the 2019 CIBAs!
Here is the link to the first installment for announcing the 2019 CIBAS.
Stay tuned for PART 3 of the 2019 Chanticleer International Book Award Winners
We are now accepting entries into the 2020 and 2021 Chanticleer International Book Awards.
Click here for more information and submission deadlines:
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email us at We will try to respond within 3 business days.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating the 2019 CIBA Winners! – The Chanticleer Team
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