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A Good News Announcement at Chanticleer Reviews!
Noah Lemelson, the author of The Sightless City, a 2019 OZMA Book Awards First Place Winner, contacted us to say that the work was picked up by Tiny Fox Press. It is scheduled to be released in July 2021 in print and e-pub.
The Sightless City
November 28, 2020 – Posted in: New Author, New Releases, News
Love steam punk? Want it with an extra side of gritty? Maybe garnished with some first place awards? Look no further and check out our upcoming title The Sightless City by Noah Lemelson! We’ll let the blurb tease you with more, and we’re absolutely certain you’ll love this book as much as we do.
Check it out and grab a copy from us here:
You can also pay Noah a visit on his site here:
A short-story writer and novelist based in LA. I write Science Fiction, Fantasy, Surreal-Horror, “Insert-Adjective-Here”-Punk and all sort of weird nonsense.
I received my B.A. in Biology from the University of Chicago in 2014, then made a hard pivot into the world of fiction. I have previously publish short fiction pieces in the online magazines: “Space Squid,” “Literally Stories,” “Silver Blade,” and “Allegory.” I am currently completing my MFA in Creative Writing at Calarts, and have a novel in the works…
Congratulations, Noah, on your publishing contract!
“It was awesome being part of the [OZMA] competition, and I think being [earning a First Place position] helped my book stand out when I was sending to Tiny Fox. Have a great day!” Noah
- Excellent crafting of a captivating story, setting an old-school, 1940s-style detective in a dark and dystopic world full of paranoia and ever-present dangers.
- Details of day-to-day survival are smartly imagined, making it easy to sink one’s teeth into the plot.
- Kudos to the author for making the various humanoid and non-human species believable and the physics and resources of this strange place seem perfectly acceptable.
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