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The Hearten Book Awards recognize emerging new talent and outstanding works in Uplifting and Inspiring, and Memoir. The Heartwarming Book Awards is a NEW genre division of Chanticleer International Book Awards and Novel Competitions (CIBAs).
Due to an unprecedented number of 2020 Journey Book Awards, we split off the Heartwarming, Inspirational, Heartening, Humorous, and Happiness. Think of Chicken Soup for the Soul. These books have advanced to the Premier Level of Achievement in the 2020 CIBAs.
We also are now offering the following CIBA Non-Fiction Divisions:
- The Journey Awards for Narrative Nonfiction
- The Mind & Spirit Book Awards for Mindfulness and Well-being
- The Nellie Bly Book Awards for Investigative and Long-Form Journalism
- The I & I Book Awards for Insight and Instruction for How-To, Guide Books, Self-Help, Cook Books, etc.
- The Harvey Chute Book Awards for Business, Finance, and Enterprise
- The Hearten Book Awards for Uplifting and Inspiring
New in 2021 will be the Military Veterans and First Responders Non-Fiction works.
The 2020 HEARTEN Book Awards First Place Category Winners and the HEARTEN Grand Prize Winner were announced by Janet Oakley on Saturday, June 5, 2021 at the Hotel Bellwether and broadcast via ZOOM webinar and Facebook Live.
It is our privilege and profound honor to announce the 1st in Category winners of the 2020 HEARTEN Awards, a division of the 2020 CIBAs.
This is the OFFICIAL 2020 LIST of the HEARTEN BOOK AWARDS First Place Category Winners and the HEARTEN Grand Prize Winner.
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to the 2020 1st Place Winners in the HEARTEN Book Awards!
- Annerose D. Watts – Blue Plate Journey
- Katherine Snow Smith – Rules for the Southern Rulebreaker, Missteps, and Lessons Learned
- Michael M. Van Ness – GENERAL IN COMMAND: The Life of Major General John B. Anderson from Iowa Farm to Command of the Largest Combat Corps in World War II
- Judy Gaman – Love, Life, and Lucille
- Keturah Kendrick – No Thanks: Black, Female, And Living in the Martyr-Free Zone
- Evelyn Kohl LaTorre – Between Inca Walls – Peace Corps memoir
- Deborah Tobola – Hummingbird in Underworld: Teaching in a Men’s Prison
- Suzanne Kamata – Squeaky Wheels: Travels with My Daughter by Train, Plane, Metro, Tuk-tuk and Wheelchair
- Cerridwen Fallingstar – Broth from the Cauldron; A Wisdom Journey through Everyday Magic
- Bill Pullen – It Started at The Savoy
The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2020 Hearten Awards is:
Judy Gaman for
Love, Life, and Lucille
This is the first awarding for a Grand Prize in the HEARTEN Division
The 2021 HEARTEN Book Awards winners will be announced at CAC22 on April 10, 2022. Save the date for CAC22, scheduled April 7-10, 2022, our 10 year Conference Anniversary!
Submissions for the 2021 HEARTEN Book Awards are open until the end of November. Enter here!
A Note to ALL the WINNERS: The coveted CIBA Blue Ribbons will be mailed out starting in July. We will contact you with an email to verify your mailing address and other items. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
[…] HEARTEN Book Awards for Uplifting and Inspiring Non-Fiction 2020 CIBA Award Winners Search for: […]