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Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas!
“But Jiminy Crickets, it is the 27th of December! Is it not too late for the 12 Days of Christmas?” you say.
Not to fear, Chanticleerians! The 12 Days of Christmas begins on December 26th! And it continues to the 6th of January – Three Kings Day. The four weeks leading up to Christmas is known as the Advent. So if you haven’t finished wrapping presents, sending out those cards, and baking cookies—don’t worry—you’ve got an extra 11 days!
Two Turtle Doves are also a representation of love, loyalty, and friendship.
The Two Turtle Doves are symbols of Love and Fidelity. The turtle dove is monogamous and pairs for life. The males are actively involved in nesting (he will actually sit on the eggs during the day) and taking care of the young after they hatch so his mate can leave the nest to eat, exercise, and take care of herself. In Ancient Grecian stories, they are believed to be a favorite of Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Good King Wenceslas
Day 2 is also the day that the Christmas Carol ‘Good King Wenceslas” takes place (c. 907 – 935). He was known as the Good Prince of Bohemia. The story tells the tale of his journey through harsh weather to bring a gift of food and firewood to a poor man he noticed while looking out of his castle’s tower during the Feast of Stephen. The song reminds us each and everyone: “Ye, who now bless the poor, Shall yourselves find blessing.”

“King Wenceslas”. Made by Hudson, Scott & Sons for Huntley & Palmers, 1913. Victoria and Albert Museum no. M.367-1983. Image: Gryffindor
Happy Holidays to You from the Chanticleer Team!
On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Two Turtle Doves
And a partridge in a pear tree
First Day of Christmas, Chanticleer invites you to join the Roost at a Special Holiday Rate!
On the Second Day of Christmas, Chanticleer brings to me…
Two Essential Reviews
Professional reviews are a versatile marketing tool that gets readers attention. For our Second Day of Christmas we bring you Two Essential Reviews offered through Chanticleer Book Review services.
Manuscript Overviews
A manuscript overview is one of top traditional publishing tools that authors can use to accelerate their writing careers.
Your work should receive its manuscript overview before it begins the editing process. The MOV will save you time and money along with enabling you to publish more frequently. It comes before Line Editing and Copy Editing. It is an objective evaluation of your story idea that is fully formed with a beginning, middle, and end.
The Manuscript Overviews (MOV) provides a birds-eye view of your work. This service catches plot holes, character inconsistencies, and those big ideas that authors need feedback on once they feel confident in the story as a whole. The best part is the way a MOV can save authors time and money in the long run by helping them to create the most polished work they can before turning to the next round of editing services.
Fundamentally, the manuscript overview allow authors to WRITE and CREATE rather than rework and reword a story idea again and again while trying to get it “right.” The honest feedback gives the author an advantage of the traditional publishing houses where authors continuously get feedback and are under contract to produce. Manuscript overviews allow the author to spend creative time developing stories, characters, unique language, and new plot twists rather than trying to dissect their own works. They also allow for the author to gain a fresh perspective.
In 2024, you may want a Manuscript Overview for your work-in-progress to take advantage of this tried and proven publishing tool!
Editorial Reviews
Everyone knows about the Editorial Review. It’s best to start submitting for these once your book is at the Proofreading stage, and once you have a publication date in mind. These are powerful tools filled with blurbs that you can use to market your work. Chanticleer has experience with reviewing Advanced Reading Copies in preparation for book launches.
Additionally, a Chanticleer Editorial Review Package can put energy into the marketing flywheels of already published books.
Of course, the Editorial Review should go on your book’s Amazon page, and every blurb you can pull out can be put everywhere else your book should be marketed. Those different blurbs should appear here at a minimum:
- Your Website
- Goodreads
- Barnes & Noble
- Social Media Posts
- Marketing Brochures
- Book Cover
Beyond that, you can post to places like StoryGraph, and you can use each blurb as a new post on social media. The reason you rotate your blurbs is to make them always feel fresh and engaging to the audience who follows you. The Review can also be used in publishing packets, press releases, and any other way you can imagine!
We also professionally review Audio Books!
And, just for fun:
We now have:
- Two Partridges in Two Pear Trees
- Two Turtle Doves
Stay tuned for the 3rd Day of Christmas!
Our favorite part about having the 12 Days of Christmas is that we can have the time we need to celebrate with our loved ones. We have time for wrapping our presents, meeting with friends for hot cocoa, and setting ourselves up in the New Year for publishing success (with Chanticleer Professional Services and the Chanticleer Authors Conference).
Wishing you Happy Holidays from Chanticleer from Kiffer, Sharon, David, Dena, Vilina, Scott, Anya, and Argus!
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