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Summer is in full swing!

The Journey and Cygnus Award Badges

The Journey and the Cygnus Awards 2024  Submissions are closed.

OZMA Book Awards for Fantasy Fiction submission closes July 31st *

GOETHE Book Awards for post-1750s Historical Fiction closes July 31st*

* Get yours in before the webmaster updates the web pages.

The 2024 CYGNUS Book Awards for Science Fiction Long List has been published. 

The 2024 JOURNEY Book Awards for Overcoming Adversity Narrative Non-Fiction Long List  will be published soon!

The Ozma and Goethe Awards both close at the end of July! Don’t let your History become a Fantasy!

We’re delighted to continue promoting the First Place Winners in our brand new “Round Up Articles” here, and our Grand Prize Winners in the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards Hall of Fame Articles!

These are the promotions that have come out so far!

Goethe Hall of Fame

If Someday Comes Cover
Goethe First Place Round Up

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Ozma Hall of Fame

Ozma First Place Round Up

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Cygnus Hall of Fame

Cygnus First Place Round Up

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Journey Hall of Fame

Barbed Cover
Journey First Place Round Up

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

We’re committed to maximizing our authors digital footprint through long tail digital marketing. Through our prized Editorial Reviews, we do this with our Chanticleer Under The Hood SEO Boost.

We use the same technology for our CIBA posts combined with reposting. A lot of reposting. Every time an author’s book advances on our list we promote it on our website, social media, and in a newsletter blast. Why?

Your book is worth being discovered!

You put in so much work to create this book, we want to treat it with the respect and care it deserves! That’s why we take you through the Levels of Achievement.

The tiers of achievement for the CIBAs

Our normal posts tend to have double the response and interaction rate of comparable businesses. The CIBAs posts announcing when work advances in the Book Awards is five times greater than our regular posts and still double that of comparable businesses that run writing competitions. And that is for every Award post that goes out. The way we do this is simple.

First, we give each division breathing room on Social Media, on our high traffic website, and in our Newsletter. The consistent promotion and spaced promotion keeps every post prioritized instead of devalued by search engines for over-posting.

We also try to tag each winner on Facebook within their CIBA divisions. Again, the spacing prevents Facebook from devaluing our posts and lowering your exposure.

Under the Hood with SEO

Publishing is the Hub of Technology. There’s a lot great at Chanticleer, but our emphasis on being ahead of the technical curve is something we pride ourselves on. Our Robust SEO system that we use for both our CIBAs and our Editorial Reviews are the cornerstone of using technology paired with promotion.

You can see the article we put together specifically on the All In One Search Engine Optimization Tool (AIOSEO) we use here.

While most SEO tools recommend a score between 60-80, we always strive to exceed that, with many of our Book Award posts receiving a score over 90. We do this through our rigorous attention to detail surrounding the optimization of heading distribution, sentence length, alternative text, key phrases, meta data, tagging, and much more. There’s no replacement for basic elbow grease when it comes to the secret sauce that maximizes our posts so that web crawlers love them and promote our authors’ writings as much as possible. We know from client feedback that it really makes a difference!

Human Beings Make the Difference

A rare photo of the Chanticleer staff all in one place. And, yes, that is a bag pipe under the table.

We are a small business with huge reach that works hard to address every question, email, and comment we receive directly with care, empathy, and expertise. Putting together an internationally attended conference with authors from India, Australia, Portugal, the UK, and other countries takes hours of dedication and careful planning. We bring that same energy and enthusiasm to the CIBAs and promoting the books submitted to us year round

A book covered in flower petals with the pages formed into a heart

Most of all, the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards is a labor of love!

Love of Books, love of words, love of storytelling, love of authors,

And love of the writing community!

Thank you to everyone who submitted to the 2023 CIBAs and to the outpouring of submissions that have come in to the 2024 CIBAs already! Every year the quality and intensity of the competition is better than the year before, and we are always blown away by the incredible work you send our way.

Thank you for making Chanticleer possible and trusting us with your work!

There’s still time!

You know you want it…

Only 2 CIBA Divisions have closed so far! You can even sneak into the Goethe Awards for Late Historical Fiction and Ozma Awards for Fantasy Fiction Awards by the end of July! Plus, we have 21 more divisions ready and waiting!