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Revelations Cover
Publisher: DuMarch Studio Press (2024)


Ro Delahanty bears heavy weights on her shoulders—a decades old conspiracy, the complexities of polyamorous love, and troubling family secrets—all of which she will begin to face in Revelations, book 6 of Dave Lager’s Ro Delahanty series.

The wealthy, powerful Pribyl family is up to something sinister in their new scrap shipment business, Ro is sure of it. But she has to prove it to herself before she can even start to convince anyone else. And as much as she’d like to dive head-first into that mystery, she has many more problems to solve as a Fort Armstrong County Sergeant Deputy.

An unsanctioned party threatens to become a dangerous mob, setting fire to a half-constructed house. Ro’s bold, decisive nature comes under fire from a rival at the Sheriff’s office. Worse, a major change in that office could upend the foundation of Ro’s life and even rob her of the comradery she and her colleagues rely on.

All the while, Ro is troubled by matters of the heart as much as matters of the badge.

She realizes that her arms-distance flings with two charming men have turned into something more—a kind of love. Tag and Foxtrot make her confront these feelings directly as they both test the boundaries of their relationships. Ro must stay true to what she needs, but fears what might happen if she opens more of herself to them.

Soon, Ro learns that she wasn’t the only one in her family with a taste for multiple partners. And when an uncovered secret threatens to tear apart the bonds she’s spent a lifetime building, she, her brother, and her father try to reconcile this revelation with the memory of the woman they all loved.

As the structure of Ro’s life starts to turn on her, she’ll have to rely on those she can trust.

Lager imbues each character with a distinct personality, compelling in their flaws and virtues alike.

This story frequently steps into the past to slowly build up a grand criminal enterprise at the heart of Ro’s mystery. Readers get to see how it was all shaped by the ambitions, fears, connections, and hearts of people across decades. These charming, unique characters engender a real sense of personal history to the setting of Lee’s Landing and make it easy to care about the fates of both heroes and villains.

Ro frequently discovers that her connections to other people are deeper and more complex than she ever could have imagined.

Her struggles with emotional intimacy make her both an effective parallel of some of the characters who define her past, and an endearing protagonist in her own right.

And while Ro’s disdain for petty interpersonal politics makes her relatable and dedicated to the true purpose of her job, those same traits come back to hurt her as people who do play such games garner power over her.

Ro’s determination, bravery, and honest heart will have readers rooting for her no matter how deep the schemes of her enemies go.

Revelations explores the nature of power and wealth, how they shape people’s lives down to even small, personal matters.

Lee’s Landing exists under the thumb of wealthy families like the Pribyls, Randalls, and Prentisses, kept aloft by sinister deals and ruthless small-town politicking. Their plans trickle down to affect nearly every character — especially Ro herself, who has already lost much in her life due to them.

As Ro uncovers more and more secrets, she and those she cares about prepare for major changes in their lives. Whether good, like her brother’s upcoming marriage, or concerning, like the election of a new sheriff, they remind the characters that they can’t simply dwell on the past—there’s always more to do here and now.

Ro knows this better than anyone, especially as this story concludes with a difficult decision, dangerous plan, and ever-more-complex mysteries for her to unravel. Readers will eagerly await the next installment of Ro Delahanty’s story.

The Ro Delahanty series by Dave Lager won First Place in the 2023 CIBA Series Awards for Fiction Series.