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End the Summer with a little Romance

The Chatelaine Award submissions close at the End of August!

Just like the many objects hanging from a Chatelaine, Romance Fiction can have many different types and we’re excited to see what 2024 brings us! Here’s the Categories-

  • Contemporary Romance
  • Historical Romance
  • Adventure & Suspense
  • Romantic Steamy/Sensual (Not Erotic)
  • Inspirational/Restorative/Clean

Romance Fiction doesn’t have just one type. Modern Day to History, Adventurous or not, Steamy or Clean, we love it all!

Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz in The Mummy

You know what fits most of our Categories? The Mummy. Modern movie, Historical setting, Plenty of Action, yet the Romantic elements are on the clean side.

While other Divisions also have Romantic inclined categories (Paranormal, M&M, Rossetti, Laramie and Hemingway all have categories for Romance) you can never go wrong with a plain and simple Love story. Or maybe you like a little drama in your books.

Historical Romance seems to be a rather popular category now, in both the books we see and wider in the book market. This year’s Grand Prize for Chatelaine is a Historical Romance! Taking place in the 1600’s in England, Colonial America and the Caribbean, it fits firmly into the Historical genre.

The SKEPTICAL PHYSICK (The Stockbridge Series, Book 2)
By Gail Avery Halverson

In the second in a series by author Halverson, an aristocratic, intellectually curious young woman has fallen in love with a young physician, a commoner whose radical experimentations have jeopardized his reputation. The couple is just recovering from the professional and personal rigors of dealing with London’s plague victims when the city is overwhelmed by fire. Their services are needed now more than ever.

Supported by mentor hospital administrator Father Hardwicke in his medical endeavors, Simon McKensie is finally on the verge of marrying the woman he adores, Catherine Abbott. Even the wealthy, protective Aunt Viola has come to terms with the fact that, though she might not approve the match on social grounds, she sees that Catherine will be happy with Simon.

Read more here!

Did you know? Gail Halverson’s book A Sea of Glass won the 2023 Chatelaine Grand Prize! The review is to come!

By John W. Feist

Edged in Purple by John W. Feist welcomes readers to a place outside of time and space, a liminal space where characters of myth wait to return to their fated stories.

The Fold is a beautiful land, a near-utopia shepherded– literally– by Thetis and Peleus of Greek mythology. They raise the heroine of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, Perdita, after her father had accused her mother of betraying him with another, the whole sad story a product of his own paranoia.

Perdita’s story is proceeding as it was written. She has already met Florizel, the man who should be the hero of her romance– when her story is intersected by another. Just as The Winter’s Tale features royal courts, doomed relationships, mistaken identities, and family murder, so too does an ancient Greek drama: the Oresteia of Aeschylus, the story of Agamemnon after the Trojan War.

Read more here!

SUMMER STORM: Magic at Myers Beach Book 2
By Alan B. Gibson

Summer Storm Cover

In Summer Storm, the second book of Alan B. Gibson’s Magic at Myers Beach series, local business owner Greta the Witch has a chance at fame, fortune, and fairytale love—if she can keep it all from being stolen first.

Picking up cleanly after Summer Thunder (Book 1 in the series), this story opens with Greta worrying about her social life. Her best friend Lily has left on an extended honeymoon with her husband Theos the King. Fortunately, her acquaintance, Julie, moves back to town, and while they soon develop a close friendship, things get awkward when she learns that Julia received a massive financial gift from Lily and Theos, and she was left with nothing.

Greta can at least focus on her business, the Witch’s Cauldron, and being the star of a reality show that’s planning to film her daily life. And when Greta meets a mysterious and charming man—Zsombor, or “Dos” to his friends—she finds herself rocketed to a level of stardom she couldn’t have imagined. She attends an opening gala for the renovated Fairy Kingdom tea house, and after a mixture of disastrous and fabulous public appearances she becomes Myers Beach’s rising influencer star.

Read more here!

By Bonnie Rose Ward

Loving Beth Cover

In Loving Beth, a Christian historical romance by Bonnie Rose Ward, a young woman finds herself in dire straits when her widowed mother dies unexpectedly.

Beth’s father had taken out loans to improve their property, but he was killed in the Civil War, leaving his wife and daughter to struggle to keep up with the payments. Now, Beth is alone without any means to keep her home—finding and taking in two young, abandoned children certainly doesn’t help. But even amidst her troubles, Beth’s thoughts keep going back to the mysterious and handsome stranger who found and brought home the body of her mother.

Life is not easy in her tiny settlement in West Virginia, and young, pretty Beth finds that it is not about to get any easier. The new banker holds a grudge toward her for having rejected his advances, and the man’s snobbish wife is determined to make Beth’s life even more miserable. The loans that Beth and her mother worked to pay each month are suddenly due in full— but the banker’s unwanted and ugly advances are foiled with the appearance of the mysterious stranger.

Read more here!

Thank you for celebrating this great romance reads with us!

The Chatelaine Awards are open until the end of July!

Romance Fiction Chatelaine Award

Submit to the Chatelaine Awards today!