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Fall in Love at Your Local Bookstore

Our own Village Books right here in Bellingham, WA

It’s National Bookstore Romance Day!


August 17th is a day dedicated to celebrating the intersection of two of life’s greatest pleasures: romance and bookstores! National Bookstore Romance Day is a time to revel in the joy that comes from discovering a new favorite book and the unique charm of independent bookstores. It’s a day to honor the places that have been the backdrop for countless literary love stories and to celebrate the romance genre that captures our imaginations and hearts.

The Enticing Allure of Bookstores

A book covered in flower petals with the pages formed into a heart

Bookstores have long been cherished havens for readers. They’re more than just retail spaces. They’re sanctuaries where stories come to life, where every shelf holds a new adventure. Independent bookstores, in particular, have a special kind of magic. Their cozy nooks, eclectic selections, and knowledgeable staff create an atmosphere that invites readers to linger, explore, and connect with the books they love.

Our love of bookstores is growing! Bookstore sales finished the first half of 2023 up 6.9% over the comparable period in 2022, proving once again that the love of readers have for their favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore can never be underestimated.

On National Bookstore Romance Day, we pay tribute to these beloved spaces, including our beloved Village Books! Whether it’s a charming local bookstore with a café, a historic shop with creaky wooden floors, or a modern indie store with a curated selection, each bookstore offers a unique experience. It’s where we find the books that move us and connects us with the community that shares our passion for writing and reading.

Instead of sending flowers, we suggest doing this to show your love on National Bookstore Romance Day!

  1. Visit Your Local Bookstore: Head to your favorite independent bookstore and immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere. Spend time browsing the shelves, chatting with the staff about their favorite romance novels, and perhaps even start writing the book you’ve always imagined.
  2. Find Your Next Great Literary Romance: Look for novels that you haven’t read before. Many bookstores will feature special displays or recommendations in honor of the day. You might find a new author or series to fall in love with.
  3. Attend Events: Many bookstores host special events for National Bookstore Romance Day, such as book fairs, author signings, readings, or themed parties. Check out local listings and participate in these celebrations to meet fellow book lovers and connect with the romance genre in a new way.
  4. Support Local Businesses: Buying from independent bookstores helps support the local economy and ensures that these cherished spaces continue to thrive. Consider making a purchase, whether it’s a book, a gift, or a gift card to share your love with another fan of bookstores.
  5. Share Your Passion: Use social media to share your love for romance novels and bookstores. Post about your favorite romance reads, recommend books to friends, or simply celebrate the joy that these stories and spaces bring to your life.

National Bookstore Romance Day is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the magic of bookstores and the joy of romance novels. It’s a day to acknowledge the spaces that nurture our love for reading and writing and illustrates our love for stories that touch our hearts. So, explore your local bookstore and take a moment to savor the romance in every book on the shelf!

Romance Fiction Chatelaine Award

The Chatelaine Awards are where we find all our romance books about bookstores and beyond!

Happy National Bookstore Romance Day!

Begin your National Bookstore Romance Day celebration with the stories that make our hearts soar!

Loving Beth Cover

Chatelaine Awards First Place Winner

In Loving Beth, a Christian historical romance by Bonnie Rose Ward, a young woman finds herself in dire straits when her widowed mother dies unexpectedly.

Beth’s father had taken out loans to improve their property, but he was killed in the Civil War, leaving his wife and daughter to struggle to keep up with the payments. Now, Beth is alone without any means to keep her home—finding and taking in two young, abandoned children certainly doesn’t help. But even amidst her troubles, Beth’s thoughts keep going back to the mysterious and handsome stranger who found and brought home the body of her mother.

Life is not easy in her tiny settlement in West Virginia, and young, pretty Beth finds that it is not about to get any easier. The new banker holds a grudge toward her for having rejected his advances, and the man’s snobbish wife is determined to make Beth’s life even more miserable. The loans that Beth and her mother worked to pay each month are suddenly due in full— but the banker’s unwanted and ugly advances are foiled with the appearance of the mysterious stranger.

Read more here!

Guarded Hearts Cover

Laramie Awards Grand Prize Winner

Guarded Heartsby T K Conklin is a sensual romance in the Wild West, with all the passion and excitement natural to the setting.

Sparks fly between a man with an outlaw past and a woman with a terrifying gift to heal or harm. Strykes is a man haunted both by a violent childhood and his time in an outlaw gang. But he has found a place in Rimrock, where he met LaRisa, an auburn-haired woman whom the townspeople have labeled a “witch” due to her healing herbs and rumors of her “powers”.

LaRisa has kept her distance from people, afraid of her gift of healing touch that can turn dangerous, even deadly. But, when she comes to town to deliver her medicinal herbs, she makes her way to the livery with tasks for Strykes such as shoeing her horse or fixing a spring in her wagon. He is only too happy to oblige the auburn-haired beauty. The attraction between them is instantaneous, yet they both are hesitant to act on it, fearing they would hurt the other– he from his violent past, and she from her “witch” power.

Read more here!

Air Boat Cover


For readers interested in a unique romance,Air Boat: Love is an Adventureby Jacek Waliszewski offers a distinctive cast of characters and tense excitement in the sky.

Air Boat brings together a former Special Forces soldier, Luke, who prefers to keep to himself, an independent and sarcastic female pilot, Stella, and a three-legged Husky named Saint who marches to the beat of his own drum. These captivating characters embark on a fast-paced, page-turning tale.

Waliszewski starts this romantic adventure with a suspenseful scene of a vintage plane barreling towards the Twin Cities, accompanied by two F-16 fighter jets, before setting the stage for the two main characters to meet. The mystery of this scene will stick in the reader’s mind, drawing them forward with stark curiosity that only grows in excitement.

Read more here!

Summer Thunder Cover

Summer Thunder

Lily struggles to keep her business, her son, and her home. But inSummer Thunder,first book of theMagic at Myers Beachseries by Alan B. Gibson, Lily’s luck begins to turn as she connects with the enigmatic beach king Theos.

With the help of her friend and fellow business owner Greta “the Witch,” Lily tries to revitalize her fairy-themed decoration and figurine store. Her divorce from her abusive ex-husband Kelly is pending, and she must present a calm and reliable home to ensure full custody of her son Jamie. But when her kindly landlord, Ms. Coffey, passes away, she’s confronted with two options: lose her prime business location and upstairs apartment, or somehow make enough money to buy the building herself.

Enter Theos, a kitesurfing champion with adoring fans. He shows true appreciation for Lily’s fairy figurines, bringing her many more sales. But more importantly, Theos becomes deeply interested in Lily herself. Their romance begins on rocky footing, as Theos has a strange air about him and seems to vanish whenever a storm comes into town. But when he begins modelling for a new fairy figurine– aptly named Theos, the King– the two are drawn inevitably closer.

Read more here!

What Remains of Love Cover

What Remains of Love

Suzanne Trauth’s What Remains of Love begins with the discovery of a family secret.

Siblings Kate and DJ meet with their late father’s lawyer to go over the contents of their father’s will when it is revealed that a woman named Emilie had been added without their knowledge. DJ, an all-business, no-nonsense person, wants to deny the request. Kate wants to fulfill their father’s wishes even though they don’t understand the reason behind it. When they send a letter to Emilie, her daughter replies, stating Emilie has passed away and that she will not accept the money.

Her brother’s curiosity is satisfied, but Kate can’t help but feel there is more to the story, especially given that their father withheld his experiences in the war from them both.

Read more here!

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The tiers of achievement for the CIBAs

Submitting to Book Awards is a great way to get your book discovered! Anytime you advance in the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards, your name and book are promoted right here on our website, through our newsletter, and across social media. One of the best ways to engage in long tail marketing!

Spread the love on National Bookstore Romance Day! Visit your neighborhood bookstores and find your next great read!