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The Shorts Book Awards recognize emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Short Form Fiction. The Shorts Awards is a genre division of Chanticleer International Book Awards and Novel Competitions (The CIBAs).

The Chanticleer International Book Awards program discovers today’s best works. The Short Stories Awards discovers the Best New Shorts in Fiction and Narrative Non-Fiction. These books have advanced to the next judging rounds. We will put them to the test and choose the best among them.

These titles have moved forward in the first look rounds from all 2024 SHORTS entries to the 2024 Shorts Book Awards LONG LIST. These entries are now in competition for the 2024 Shorts Award Short List. The Short Listers will compete for the Semi-Finalists positions. FINALISTS will be chosen from the Semi-Finalists and recognized at the Chanticleer Authors Conference, CAC25.

Please Note: There are 2 Shorts Awards Lists. This is for Short Form Content, singular short stories, essays and shorter Collections. The Long form Shorts (over 100 pages) Long List will be posted separately.

We will announce the 1st Place Category winners and Grand Prize Division Winners at the CIBAs Banquet and Ceremony on Saturday, April 5th, 2025 in beautiful Bellingham, WA at the 2025 Chanticleer Authors Conference

A Wreath with the words "CAC 2025" on it to celebrate the Chanticleer Author's Conference!

These titles are in the running for the SHORT LIST of the 2024 Shorts Book Awards novel competition for Short Stories!

Join us in cheering on the following authors and their works!

  • Sophia M. – Synthetica The Dystopian Future of Digital Existence
  • Ron Singerton – Whispers in Time
  • Betty Codd – The King’s Wife
  • Susannah Dawn – To Label or Not to Label the Box… That is the Question
  • Susannah Dawn – It’s in the Grey Zone We Find The Colors
  • Susannah Dawn – On The Run With Meagan Wise
  • Gail Noble-Sanderson – The Soldier Jacob
  • Trudy Wells-Meyer – Regifting with a Twist
  • Burl Harmon – Being 100 Years Old
  • Jessica Russell – Worthy of Tears
  • KD Sherrinford – Meet Me in Milan
  • KD Sherrinford – Christmas at The Saporis
  • Mike Murphey – The Claunch Ness Monster
  • Brian Feutz – Take a Peek Into the Minds, Lives, and Fears… of Queers
  • Lisa G. Spicer – Letters From Tacoma
  • Catherine Brown – Finding Namaste
  • Deborah L. King – Attention Accepted
  • Barbara Rein – The Wrenbows
  • Tessa Floreano – Shadows of the Adriatic
  • J.J. Clarke – Deadly Ambition
  • Susan Lynn Solomon – A Circle of Sabbaths
  • Glen Dahlgren – The Dice of Chaos
  • PJ Devlin – Sleeping Out
  • PJ Devlin – Running
  • TK Sheffield – The Infinity Thieves
  • Tyrone Burnett – The Believer within You
  • Glendall C. Jackson III – Naked Came the Detective
  • Carol L. Wright – Apple, Table, Penny… Murder
  • Hannah Stone – The Weight of Bone and Feather
  • L. Burton Brender – Stories from the War
  • Don Jacobson – The Gamekeeper’s Cabin
  • Dr. Yumiko Shimabukuro – Dream Rut: Navigating Your Path Forward
  • Tosca Lee – The Cancun Game

Congratulations once more to the 2023 Shorts Grand Prize Winner for Short Prose

The Heart of Kublai Khan’s Menagerie Keeper

By Catherine Brown

A Manuscript

Blue and Gold Badge Recognizing The Heart of Kublai Khan's Menagerie Keeper by Catherine Brown for winning the 2023 Shorts- Short Prose Grand Prize

Click here to see the full list of 2023 Shorts Book Award Winners for Short Stories and Essays.

We are now accepting submissions into the 2025 Shorts Book Awards for Short Stories, Collections, Essays, and Novellas.

Please click here for more information.

Winners will be announced at the 2024 CIBA Awards Ceremony that is sponsored by the 2025 Chanticleer Authors Conference.

April 3 – 6, 2025! Save the Date for Registration!

Seating is Limited. The esteemed WRITER Magazine (founded in 1887)  has repeatedly recognized the Chanticleer Authors Conference as one of the best conferences to attend and participate in for North America.

Join us for our annual conference as we enter our second decade and discover why!