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On the Fourth Day of Christmas, Chanticleer brings to me…
Four podcasting tips and a fav podcast!
Podcasting has become a great way for writers to learn and network with other writers as they promote their work. It’s a great marketing tool because you have complete control over your presentation, providing what you think is valuable and highlighting the work you are doing. They offer their guests credibility, helps build community, encourages collaboration, builds brands and promotes work, and it expands your (and your guests’) “reach,” with 45% of podcast listeners also classifying themselves as avid readers.
Podcasting is a learning process, but when done well it can be a fun and valuable addition to your marketing. Here are four tips to get you started!
1. Concept and Niche
Find your focus. Ask yourself what sets your podcast apart from others within your niche. Choose a topic you are passionate about and can discuss in depth, allowing you to claim a clear niche. Define your audience to gain a better understand of who you are trying to reach and how to tailor your content to their interests and needs.
2. Content and Format
Decide on a format (solo host, interview style, panel discussion) and stick to it for predictability. Outline and/or script what you’ll be saying, no necessarily to read verbatim, but as a reference you can turn to if you find yourself lost in your conversation. This will help maintain focus and flow. Find engaging guests by researching and inviting guests who are experts in your niche and can provide valuable insights. You can find them writing events, through your connection on your social media platforms, and on your own bookshelf!
3. Promotion and Engagement
Publish your podcast on major platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, then utilize social media to share clips, promote new episodes, and interact with your audience. This will encourage listener feedback through reviews, comments, and Q&A sessions.
Choose a reliable podcast hosting platform to store and distribute your episodes. Use descriptive titles and summaries to attract listeners on podcast directories.Design visually appealing cover art that represents your podcast brand. Invest in a good quality microphone and recording environment to minimize background noise. Learn basic editing techniques to clean up audio, add transitions, and create a polished sound. Strive for a consistent audio level throughout each episode.
One of Chanticleer’s Favorite Podcast is “Author in the Headlights” by Chanticleerian STRIDER KLUSMAN
He interviews authors one on one. Each show will be discussing the author’s books, their goals, the methods, and often madness of writing, as well as the process and tools of their trade. So far, he has interviewed 66 authors such as Tessa Floreano, Kevin Chapman, Timothy Johnston, Dena Weigel, Rick Steinke, Mike Murphy, and many more.
Celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas – One Day at a Time
The 4th Day of Christmas
The Four Calling Birds are meant to represent the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Also, the Fourth Day of Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Innocents, and it is considered a day for children. The feast honors the male children who were killed by King Herod in his quest to find the potential usurper (Baby Jesus) to his throne. Today, the youngest member of the family is in charge for what to do, where to go, what to eat for the entire day. The day is also known as Childermas.
Some say Four Calling Birds (song birds). Some say Four Colly Birds (black birds). And then, there is this person’s interpretation of Four Calling Birds on Reddit:
“But Jiminy Crickets, it’s after December 25th! Is it not too late for the 12 Days of Christmas?” you say.
Not to fear, Chanticleerians! The 12 Days of Christmas begins on December 26th! And it continues to the 6th of January – Three Kings Day. The four weeks leading up to Christmas are known as Advent.
So if you haven’t finished wrapping presents, sending out those cards, and baking cookies—don’t worry. Just get it done. Eight Days left until Three Kings Day!
Happy Holidays to You from the Chanticleer Team!
On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Four Calling Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree
Stay tuned for the 5th Day of Christmas!
Our favorite part about having the 12 Days of Christmas is that we can have the time to celebrate with our loved ones. We have time for wrapping presents, meeting with friends for hot cocoa, and continuing to prepare the 2025 Chanticleer Authors Conference and the 2024 CIBA Banquet and Ceremony.
Wishing you Happy Holidays from Chanticleer from Kiffer, David, Dena, Scott, Anya, and Argus!
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