On the 5th Day of Christmas, Chanticleer Brings to Me Five 2025 Publishing Trends | 12 Days of Christmas 2024!

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Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas – One Day at a Time

On the 5th Day of Christmas…

“But Jiminy Crickets, it is the 31st of December! Is it not too late for the 12 Days of Christmas?” you say.

Not to fear, Chanticleerians! The 12 Days of Christmas begins on December 26th! And it continues to the 6th of January – Three Kings Day. The four weeks leading up to Christmas is known as the Advent.

So if you haven’t finished wrapping presents, sending out those cards, and baking cookies—don’t worry—you’ve got an extra seven days!

Happy Holidays to You from the Chanticleer Team! 

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Five Golden Rings

Four Calling Birds

Three French Hens (Chanticleer’s favorite #justsaying)

Two Turtle Doves

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Not one ring to bind them in this case.

Of course, there is another age-old interpretation of the Five Golden Rings is that they refer to five ring-necked birds such as Ring-necked Pheasants or the European Goldfinches in keeping with the bird theme of the song.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, Chanticleer brings to me…

Five, gold, rings, trends, 2025

Five publishing trends for 2025!

The world of publishing is changing fast and authors need to know what’s coming next. That’s why Chanticleer is offering five 2025 trends for the Fifth Day of Christmas!

1. Digital growth: Publishers are focusing on digital growth, including developing new ways to reach audiences, advertising solutions, and digital subscriptions. Because the popularity of ebooks continues to grow, an emphasizes on aesthetics has also taken on a greater importance.

2. AI assistance: AI is becoming more influential in publishing, with more books being written with the help of AI for research, writing, editing, or design. Issues surrounding AI generated content are in the news daily, with efforts being made by publishing industry advocates to protect copyright laws, and authors and publishers are busy learning how to effectively use AI technology.
3. New technologies: More options will be available to authors in 2025. This will create greater accessibility for readers, and more revenue generated as publishers attempt to offer more readers what they want. Publishers will also be pursuing more ways to reduce their carbon footprint, such as eco-friendly printing methods and biodegradable book covers.
blue, man, virtual, reality, boxes, squares, circle
4. Augmented reality: Augmented reality is being used to enhance stories. What is augmented reality (AR) service, you ask? AR can help authors customize and submit their own 3D models to incorporate interactive elements into their work. For instance, a fantasy novel could have an AR game that allows readers to explore a virtual map of the story’s world, interact with the characters, or even engage in virtual battles.

5. Genre-bending covers: Book cover designers always are on the look out to find exciting new ways to present a book. They will be experimenting with book covers that break traditional genre norms in 2025, mixing elements from different styles and graphics.

Christmas stocking, tree, books, green, red

Stay tuned for the 6th Day of Christmas!

The Chaicleer Rooster logo wearing a santa hat

Our favorite part about having the 12 Days of Christmas is that we can have the time we need to celebrate with our loved ones. We have time for wrapping presents, meeting with friends for hot cocoa, and continuing to prepare the Chanticleer Authors Conference and the 2023 CIBA Banquet and Ceremony.

Wishing you Happy Holidays from Chanticleer from Kiffer, David, Dena, Scott, Anya, and Argus!

2024-12-23T16:23:16-08:00By |

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