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Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas – One Day at a Time

“But Jiminy Crickets, it’s after December 25th! Is it not too late for the 12 Days of Christmas?” you say.

Not to fear, Chanticleerians! The 12 Days of Christmas begins on December 26th! And it continues to the 6th of January – Three Kings Day. The four weeks leading up to Christmas are known as Advent.

Some say that December 25th is the first day of Christmas, but we are going with the medieval date of the 26th because revelry could not take place on the 25th as it was a holy day. And the Twelve Days of Christmas is about revelry!

So if you haven’t finished wrapping presents, sending out those cards, and baking cookies—don’t worry—you’ve got an extra 12 days!

Happy Holidays to You from the Chanticleer Team! 

On the Tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Ten Lords A-Leaping

Nine Ladies Dancing

Eight Maids A-Milking

Seven Swans A-Swimming

Six Geese A-Laying

Five Golden Rings

Four Calling Birds

Three French hens (Chanticleer’s favorite #justsaying)

Two turtle doves

And a partridge in a pear tree 


On the Tenth Day of Christmas, Chanticleer brings to me…

Ten Varied Genres!

When it comes right down to it, the CIBAs genres at Chanticleer can fit into ten basic categories:

  1. Speculative Fiction
  2. Historical
  3. Young Adult through Kids Lit
  4. Historical Fiction
  5. Literary
  6. Romance
  7. Humor
  8. Narrative Non-Fiction
  9. Prescriptive Non-Fiction
  10. Short Fiction or Non-Fiction

Of course, within those genres, we often split out at least three categories to be able to give authors the best chance possible of winning an Award. If you think you’ve got an amazing book, submitting for a Book Award Program is an excellent way to put that to the test.