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The Short Story Awards recognize emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Short Stories, Collections and Novellas. The Grand Prize Winners, Mack Little’s book, Shelter in A Hostile World and Catherine Brown’s story The Heart of Kublai Khan’s Menagerie Keeper will be promoted for years to come in our annual Hall of Fame article, as well as be featured on the Shorts contest page year ’round!

The best part about being a Chanticleer Int’l Book Award Winner is the love and attention you get all year ‘round!

The 2023 Shorts Winners were announced at the 2024 Chanticleer Authors Conference in April, and you can see the official winners post here for Novellas and Collections! And here for Short Stories and Essays!

Join us in celebrating the 2023 First Place Shorts Winners!

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Paper Lantern Writers – Unlocked

Who knows what treasures will be found when this ancient trunk is finally Unlocked?

In much the same manner as Pandora, each Paper Lantern Writer takes a turn opening an old wooden chest, digging out stories spanning seven centuries. The individuals in these tales—heroes, villains, and in between—are more than people from the past. Whether they are making mayhem, waging war, or quietly holding their families together, their strength and fortitude shines on the page. From the Swinging Seventies to the Middle Ages, these characters gather, keep, and spill the secrets of their souls.

Find it on Amazon

Elizabeth Rau – The Good Slope

Moving, bold, and funny, this collection of essays by Elizabeth Rau captures the poignancy of ordinary life through the voices of everyday people–children, friends, neighbors, and even the mail carrier. In vivid and lyrical prose, she chronicles her childhood in the Midwest, her many years as a newspaper reporter, and, above all, her plunge into motherhood in middle age. At a time when some writers tend to grouse about raising children, Rau revels in her good fortune and the day-to-day: teaching her younger son how to read using “Garfield” comic books; encouraging her older son to design his grandmother’s gravestone; observing the motley crew of boys who patronize “the yellow house” for years, bringing their wit, charm, and stuff, from yo-yos to baseball gloves. Along the way we meet characters in her neighborhood, like Ed the mailman whose true passion is growing and selling daylilies because they are “beautiful and resilient and won’t die on you.” Engaging, yet never indulgent, the collection elevates moments we take for granted into luminous stories about the experience of home.

Find it Locally and on Amazon

Sean Thomas Dwyer – Tiptoeing Past The Dragon

This work is a manuscript. Sean also won a 2018 First Place in the Journey Award for his Book A Quest For Tears (Find that Locally and our review for it here). He has also recently been awarded with Village Books Literary Citizenship Award. Congratulations Sean!

Mary Ann Bernal – AnaRose and The Templar’s Quest

A dangerous expedition. A precious artifact. A race against time.

Museum curator and expert in antiquities AnaRose Preston accepts the challenge to find one of Christianity’s holy relics concealed in the hilt of a legendary dagger. Traveling throughout contemporary France, she rushes to solve a historical mystery. But members of a secret society stand in her way. AnaRose risks her life to locate the weapon before it falls into the wrong hands.

Find it on Amazon

JuJu – The Costly Wish

Be careful what you wish for, they say…

We’re so caught up in wishful thinking that we fail to acknowledge the drawbacks associated with them. It’s the way of the universe; you need to give up something dear to you in order to achieve something dearer. With that being said, there is a balance that needs to be met for everything to work in perfect harmony. But what happens when you’ve bitten off more than you can chew? What happens when your granted wish has consequences you did not ask for?

Presenting a narrative that begins with a grave warning, condensing into a plot that will send shivers down your spine. A narrative that will toy with you, allowing you to find comfort only to take it away when you least expect it.

Find it Locally or on Amazon

Gary Baysinger – A Kind of Homecoming

1914 England

Rose is swept off her feet by young German Sebastian, who shares many of her passions and dreams. The world is their oyster—until it is not, with the rising drums of war reinforcing their differences and proving an obstacle to any relationship dreams each may have harbored.

As Rose throws herself into the rigors of being an Army nurse, cleaning up after the infantry’s battles, she can’t help but wonder how the pain and suffering she witnesses fits into the beliefs and ideals she once held.

From issues of patriotism and opportunity to confrontations with the “lottery of fate” that transforms dreams and dreamers alike, A Kind of Homecoming represents a vivid story of war and transformation that will appeal to libraries and readers seeking succinct yet powerful explorations of World War I’s impact on individual ambitions.

Find it on Amazon

Brian Feutz – Pity the Peasants

Read the Award Winning story on his website here!

From fiction to humor, short-story narrative to poetry —
Brian Feutz has an affinity for the music of words. A wide range of life experiences and interests converge in a lively perspective that challenges conventions and stimulates thought.

A.J. McCarthy – The Strike

The author of mystery suspense novels, A.J. McCarthy is always on the lookout for new ideas. Her friends and family are cautious, concerned they may become a victim in her next novel. Those who are more adventurous offer up ideas and are willing to sacrifice certain family members for the cause. A.J. bides her time, waiting for the right moment and the perfect victim. She hides behind a quiet façade, and few know what she’s really thinking.

A.J. grew up reading Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon, and many other masters of mystery and suspense. A lifelong love of the genre evolved. She’s a member of Crime Writers of Canada, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. When she isn’t writing, chances are she is reading.

Find her books on Amazon

Logan D. Irons – Bridge of Kings

Two Warriors. Two Kings. One bridge.

Some men hold secrets that are far darker than war. An old oath obligates Ulf Bodvarsson to join King Harald Hardrada’s army of Norsemen, seeking to assert his claim to the English crown. Yet near Stamford Bridge, enemies await, seeking to fulfill their own oaths of blood. The struggle that awaits them all will decide who rules and who dies.

This gritty historical fantasy novella gives new readers an excellent introduction to the dynamic grimdark world created by Logan D. Irons. Start the series that is perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin, Bernard Cornwell, Joe Abercrombie, John Gwynne, and Mark Lawrence.

Find it on Amazon

Marie Sutro- Son Down

Marie Sutro is was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, which served as the setting for her debut novel, Dark Associations.  As soon as she learned to read, she developed an insatiable appetite for books.  With each new story, Marie became more fascinated with the transformative power of words.  The magic she discovered in those printed pages sparked an ardent desire to write, which continues to this day.

Marie remains committed to sharing the knowledge that has brought so much joy to her life.  She volunteers with California Library Literacy Serviceshelping adults improve their reading and writing skills.  Marie is also a member of Sisters in Crime, where she has served on the board of her local chapter. She currently serves on the board of Bouchercon World Mystery Convention.

Robert S Phillips – The Great River

You can read his story can be found on HamLit here for their issue Life Expectancy. His Novel, Elodia’s Knife is available Locally and on Amazon, and our Review of that book is here.

Writing didn’t become a priority for Robert until recently. In 2023, he published his first novel, “Elodia’s Knife,” a historical epic set in the late 4th century CE, when the Western Roman Empire was on the brink of collapse. The book tells the story of a young Gothic girl who flees her abusive husband and finds refuge in Roman territory. She uses her wits and strength to survive and rise to power in a world that seeks to crush her.

The novel’s ordinary characters are made extraordinary by the world-shaking events of their time. Its unconventional story is bursting with confusion and danger, all precisely framed by the known historical record. “Elodia’s Knife” is a testament to Robert’s love of history, adventure, and suspense.

S.M. Stevens – The Wallace House of Pain

Troubled family relations, modern social justice issues, deeply personal choices.

Activist Xander Wallace and his straitlaced father do not have an easy relationship. Jim’s views on race, immigration, gender, sexuality and even Millennials alienate his son no matter how hard Xander tries to find common ground. Toss in Jim’s second marriage ten months after Xander’s mother died and it’s a volatile cocktail. How, against this backdrop, will Xander ever dare to bare his soul and reveal his greatest secret?

Find it on Amazon

Remembering Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips passed on August 8, 2024. He is deeply missed. Here is a note from Robert’s family:

Robert retired from his life-long career as a software engineer at the beginning of the COVID lockdown, and immediately focused his time and energy on caring for Mom and writing his first historical fiction novel.  Elodia’s Knife was published in 2023, and received numerous local awards and accolades.  Not one to let time go to waste, he immediately started writing the sequels.
Dad never stopped missing Mom after her death, and spoke about her with love and reverence regularly.  But he also continued to grow his own community here in Bellingham, working out at ProFitness Northwest under the expert care and compassion of our trainer Christy, connecting with writers in Whatcom County through the Village Books writers group, and volunteering his time and energy with the lively set-building crew at the Bellingham Theatre Guild.  He travelled to visit friends and family in British Columbia, Alberta, Israel, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Texas, New Mexico, and North Carolina.
Dad and I talked in January of 2024.  He was clear and definite in his intentions.  He wanted to use whatever remaining time he had to finish the sequels to Elodia’s Knife, to spend time with friends and family, to live fully and pain-free for as long as possible.

If you knew Robert and would like to donate in his memory, his family asks that donations be sent to End of Life Washington, which is a powerful and critical advocacy group here in Washington, and was an incredible support to me as we prepared for his death: or The Bellingham Theatre Guild, which creates incredible local theater with an all-volunteer crew:

Reviews for both of the sequels to Elodia’s Knife will be coming soon. We are honored to be able to continue to remember and celebrate Robert and his writing.

Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 2023 Shorts First Place Winners!

Your book can join the Tiers of Achievement, but only if you submit to the Shorts Awards!

The tiers of achievement for the CIBAs

Got a great Short Book? The 2024 Shorts Awards are open through the end of August!