Books By the Bay Book Fair at the Hotel Bellwether, Sunday, Sept. 26th from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.
- Open to the Public
- Author Readings
- Panel Discussions
- Prizes & Drawings
- Events & Exhibitors
- Cash Bar with Local Beers, Wine, & Cocktails
- Food will be available for purchase
- Hotel Bellwether offers Sunday Brunch with Music and Jazz Happy Hour starts at 4 p.m.
Books By the Bay Book Festival at the Hotel Bellwether’s Ballroom
–Sunday, Sept. 26, 2015 Open to the Public
Free admittance to the public from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Books By the Bay will bring authors and readers together at this PNW bookfestival!
BBBB@BB will feature the following On-Stage Events with Convenient Seating for attendees:
- Ongoing Panel Discussions
- authors, book clubs, & publishing professionals
- Author Signings & Introductions
- Author Readings
- Door Prizes
- Cash Bar with PNW beer & wine. Food available for purchase
Registration Deadline is July 31st, 2015.
There are several levels of participation. Registration form is on the right at the top of this page.
All Author Tables and PNW club tables are SOLD OUT. We will be accepting reservations for 2015.
Chanticleer Conference Attendees will have space reserved for them at the Books By the Bay Bookfest. Attendees will receive information up registering.
For Chanticleer Authors Conference Attendees, and those who have pre-registered for Author Tables and Club Tables:
- Check-in opens at noon. Take down is at 6:05 p.m. (and not a minute sooner 😉
- Table, chairs, and table cloth included.
Whatcom Writers and Publishers professional organization is the Official Host of Books By the Bay Bookfest
Promotion & Advertising to include (dependent upon sponsorships)
- Event Banners, Posters, Signage for A-frames, Yard Signs, & other visual collateral
- Publications: ENNW, Cascadia Weekly, Grow Northwest, Chuckanut Reader, & other publications
- Social Media & E-newsletters
- Hotel Bellwether also features an elegant brunch buffet with live music from 10 until 3 p.m. and Jazz from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday. These events should allow for cross promotional opportunities.
Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media is the Official Sponsor of Books By the Bay Bookfest.
This event will be held in adjunct with the Chanticleer Book Reviews Awards Banquet and Mini-Conference that will be held onFri., Sat. & Sun., Sept. 24, 25 & 26, 2014 at the Hotel Bellwether.
CBR’s conference’s focus is the “Marketing and the Business Side of Writing.” Writers’ Workshops and Sessions will be held on Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. until noon. A Friday evening social/mixer and other activities will be available for attendees.
All Non-profit Club Sponsorships are now SOLD OUT. We will be accepting reservations for 2015.
All pre-registered Club Sponsorship fees are budgeted to go toward advertising costs to promote the book fair to the public. (Ltd to 6). Does NOT include tables, but does guarantee reservation of two tables. Non-profit Sponsorships are limited to six spots.
Non-profit Sponsorships includes name/logo on:
- “WRITER” tee shirts (like Castle wears 😉 (Tee Shirts will be for sale)
- Event Banners
- Event Posters
- Yard signs
- Conference Booklet
- Membership Table in Entryway
Non-profit Writers’ Club Sponsorships of $100 per Club help make this event possible. Writers’ Club sponsorships are used to promote & advertise the Book Fair Event to General Public.
Whereas Table Fees go toward facility rental, tables, chairs, tablecloths, stage, etc.
Please contact Kiffer Brown at KBrown@ChantiReviews for more detailed information.