The Art of Critique from the Desk of David Beaumier
Looking to get the most out of your critique group? These guidelines can help you today, plus the secret to getting the feedback you really want!
Looking to get the most out of your critique group? These guidelines can help you today, plus the secret to getting the feedback you really want!
Happy early birthday to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe! The Goethe Awards are extended in honor of our favorite polymath and author who is the face of our Late Historical Fiction Awards!
Notes about the classic children's book series, "The Box-Car Children" by Gertrude Warner along with introducing new works that will bound to be favorites for Middle-Grade Readers!
The Chatelaine Awards Hall of Fame is here, celebrating 5 years of Grand Prize Winners, including our newest addition, Gail Avery Halverson who bookends the winners this year!
We're proud to recognize these First Place Winners from the 2023 Shorts Awards, as well as remember Robert S. Phillips.
The Gertrude Warner 2024 Hall of Fame is here! Check out these amazing Grand Prize Winners, including the newest member who will be promoted for years to come!
QR codes have emerged as a versatile and powerful tool for authors to promote and sell their books – anywhere and at anytime.
Ten Days remain for 3 Divisions in the Chanticleer Int'l Book Awards! Your Romance, Short Prose, and Middle Grade Fiction all deserve the chance to be discovered! Don't miss out!
We're here to celebrate the First Place Winners from the 2023 Chatelaine Awards for Romance Fiction! Don't let love pass you by this summer, and check out one of these great books today!
The 2024 Shorts Awards Hall of Fame is here to celebrate the 2023 Grand Prize Winners joining the ranks of these esteemed works! Don't have a lot of time? No problem, these stories are brief and spectacular!