NaNoWriMo or Not, here comes November!
Tips and Tricks for starting off strong with character and a well-developed backstory for NaNoWriMo
Tips and Tricks for starting off strong with character and a well-developed backstory for NaNoWriMo
Who is OZMA of the OZMA Book Awards for Fantasy Fiction? What is the definition of Fantasy Fiction? And just how does Shirley Temple fit into all of this?
If you’re serious about writing, you must notice subtext and how to convey it. And that often begins with the eyes.
The right choice of words and vocabulary create subtext in fiction works making them compelling and memorable. Read on for examples by Michelle Cox, Wendy Delaney, Kerry Greenwood, J.K.Rowling, Shakespeare, George R.R. Martin, and others.
"A lost father made him an orphan on the street. Napolean's war made him a hero on the sea"...and author Peter Greene shares his tips for writing an award-winning novel series.