CHANTICLEER 10 QUESTION AUTHOR INTERVIEW SERIES WITH MEREDITH WARGO – Award-winning author, Animal Rescue, 10 Question Author Series, Best Book

2023-07-18T12:17:54-07:00By |

CHANTICLEER 10 QUESTION AUTHOR INTERVIEW SERIES with Meredith Wargo   Meredith Wargo, multi-award-winning author is smart - and exceptionally passionate about animals, especially those in need of rescue. In fact, Meredith sent the book into our Hearten Awards, and DAWGS: A True Story of Lost Animals and the Kids Who Rescued Them  took home GRAND PRIZE in 2021! Chanti: Tell us a little about yourself: How did you start writing? Wargo: When I was first learning how to write, I used to copy Dr. Seuss’ books verbatim. From there, I started penning my own stories, always using colored construction paper and crayons as my medium. I would add little drawings to illustrate the story and staple my “book” down the long edge of the paper. My drawings were never that good, so I think that influenced my decision to focus on writing at an early age! But when I started college I chose music as my degree because I had taken piano lessons for ten years. After one semester of practicing in a tiny cubbyhole in the basement of the school’s music hall for hours every day while my roommates were out living life as normal college freshmen, I changed my major to journalism, realizing I’m happiest when I’m writing. Chanti: That’s wonderful! I’m glad you discovered your happy place early on. What a life changing decision. Besides, you can always play the piano, right? Let’s chat about your writing. Describe your work.  And, what led you [...]

10 QUESTION AUTHOR INTERVIEW with Jennifer Kincheloe – Award-Winning Author,

2023-07-18T12:10:09-07:00By |

CHANTICLEER 10 AUTHOR INTERVIEW SERIES with award-winning author, Jennifer Kincheloe   Jennifer Kincheloe won First Place in our Mystery & Mayhem Awards a few years back, but we still remember her contagious smile and her fabulous book, The Secret Life of Anna Blanc. Let's get into it! Chanti: Tell us a little about yourself: How did you start writing? Kincheloe: I used to be a research scientist/mother of two. (Actually, I still am) About ten years ago, bemused by the boastful Christmas letters I would get every year in the mail (this was before Facebook), I decided to write a humorous, sort of spoofy Christmas letter. I spent hours on it. And when people read it, they laughed. That’s when I discovered I loved writing. Chanti: When did you realize you that you were an author? Kincheloe: After I wrote my Christmas letter, I decided to write a screenplay because, in my naïve mind, they were shorter than novels and therefore easier. I had just recovered from an illness and wasn’t working, so I had time to spend on it. When I started writing, I couldn’t stop. It made me high. I wrote all the time. I barely stopped to eat. I would wake up in the middle of the night and write. I took my laptop everywhere. (I still do). When I stopped to consider this, I decided I must be a writer. And, by the way, my screenplay was terrible. Chanti: I love that feeling [...]

10 Questions with ELANA MUGDAN – Marketing, Writing, Fantasy Books, Dragons, Author Interview

2019-05-09T11:38:37-07:00By |

When things come together (in the writing process) and everything in your story finally falls into place, when you finish an action-packed or emotional chapter, or when you unearth a great truth in your writing, then there’s this brilliant moment of clarity. You’re filled with a sense of achievement that you have created something unique and magnificent. And that’s a feeling worth living for.

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