HEART of the FEW by Jon Duncan – WWII Historical Fiction, WWII Thriller, 20th Century Romance
A WWII Historical Fiction that will capture its audience from the first word. Highly recommended!
A WWII Historical Fiction that will capture its audience from the first word. Highly recommended!
A beautifully illustrated and wonderfully told Children's Christmas story of the importance of being yourself. Highly recommended.
A perfect choice to lull our children into a blissful sleep. With nighttime routines to soothe our toddlers accompanied by beautiful watercolor paintings, it's no wonder this is one of our favorites! Highly recommended.
A coming of age romantic historical fantasy set in Medieval Italy that will keep you turning pages until the end. Recommended!
A beautiful Children’s book told in the cadence of the Lakota. Two-Feather’s weaves her magic again and delivers a winner. Highly recommended for all children and those who love to read to them.
When two teens switch places, the lessons they learn are life-changing. Especially since the teens in question are from different centuries. You never know what can happen when you visit a ghost town outside of Seattle! Highly recommended.
Appropriate to a novel about time travel, there is considerable time-shifting from chapter to chapter that will require readers to stay on their toes as they work through this 500-page novel. And like any skilled author who plants clues neatly in the text – clues that are keys to resolving the overarching mysteries in the book - Cole does the same. What can we say? Here’s an impressive novel by a major new talent, and one we highly recommend keeping an eye on.
A tale about love, loss, and compassion that one woman has for the living and the dead.
The second High-Stakes Thriller in the VanOps series does not disappoint! Highly recommended.
A Young Adult Fantasy novel so full of sorcery and fantasy you may be swallowed up whole. Highly recommended!