REA: The Shamar Series, Book Two by Lydia Staggs – Paranormal & Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Romantic Action/Adventure
A fast-paced, sexy paranormal romance sure to appeal to fans of Twilight and the Sookie Stackhouse series.
A fast-paced, sexy paranormal romance sure to appeal to fans of Twilight and the Sookie Stackhouse series.
A sizzling Paranormal Fantasy where humans are the monsters and the toughest bounty hunter on the planet, Sin, has her hands full.
A richly told tale of power, political gain, and the heartache of one couple who sought only to love one another. The 13th century as told by one of our favorites! Recommended.
A masterful work of literary fiction! Recommended.
One journalist’s take on the war between the Trump presidency and the mainstream media. An intriguing read.
Join forces with Supreme Commander Cody to battle an all-powerful evil infecting the universe in this multi-faceted Sci-fi thrill ride!
High Fantasy Adventure for all ages that readers will happily sink their teeth into! Recommended.”
Drawing on fact, fable and inherited lore, Wilson presents an historical fiction at its best. A dark, dangerous, and intriguing tale of upheaval in southern American history and its effects on local culture, economy and family ties.
A heartfelt, honest memoir of one family experienced faith, hope, and a powerful love that heals, restores, and forgives at the moment their lives fell apart. Recommended.
Are there any "do-overs" in life? One man attempts to stop a murder long after it happens! An intriguing, cross-genre mystery that will have readers guessing to the end.