DILLION And The CURSE Of ARMINIUS by John Middleton – Historical Fantasy, WWII, Young Adult Fiction
Can two young siblings stop the Nazis from conjuring the spirits of ancient Germanic warriors? Find out in Dillon and the Curse of Arminius!
Can two young siblings stop the Nazis from conjuring the spirits of ancient Germanic warriors? Find out in Dillon and the Curse of Arminius!
A war-worn Kit Moran refuses his next mission in Moral Fibre. Can he outlast his grief, overcome his fear, and learn to fly to save his nation? A riveting read and highly recommended!
Mary Adler builds a sinister and historically rich mystery, illuminating parts of WWII that often go overlooked, and keeping tensions high until the end.
The Noose Closes, the third book in the award-winning series, depicts the bold human spirit of those who found courage in the face of danger during Nazi occupied Lodz. Highly recommended!
The Noose Tightens is a suspenseful story of love and survival. An exceptional tale of the immutable human spirit. Highly recommended.
M.N. Snitz’s epic historical wartime tale encompasses one family’s journey through the Nazi concentration camps to the destruction and death of the Vietnam War, in The Price for Glory. Highly Recommended!
Lyn Bennett searches for the right choice between a reasonable life and what she truly wants, spurred towards happiness and romance by the city of Florence.
Linda Ulleseit delivers a complex and intimate story of family trauma, parenthood, and the struggle for the promise of Aloha. Highly Recommended!
Taken from primary sources, Schrader's novel serves as a reminder of why we all must learn from the past to avoid repeating it. Hard - and highly recommended.
A beautifully penned first-in-series WWII romance that hits all the right marks. Storytelling at its finest. Highly recommended.