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Chanticleer Authors Conference 2025 Book Fair Room Information

2024-07-23T16:57:09-07:00By |

The Books By the Bay Fair at Village Books for #CAC25 will be held during the conference in collaboration with Village Books!  The CAC 25 Books By the Bay Book Fair will be held at Village Books on Sunday, April 6th, 2025 located in Historic Fairhaven in Bellingham, Wash. We're excited to have Village Books with us at the Sheraton this year! As always, they will be with us on Saturday and Saturday night at the Awards Ceremony, so be prepared to greatly increase your TBR! However, on Sunday, we will move the public Book Fair to Village Books' Fairhaven Location to celebrate the end of the Conference and bring your work directly to the public! We'll have tables throughout the bookstore to present work, and authors are encouraged to walk around and see what else is happening when they aren't signed up to table! The Book Fair will be open to all CAC attendees and presenters! We will promote the Book Fair on Social Media, and Facebook Events! Interested in selling ebooks? We recommend for e-pub sales and promotions. If you have any questions regarding the CAC25 Book Room, please contact David at We will reply within 72 business hours of receiving your email. Authors: If your name isn't up here yet, it should be soon, but please reach out to David Beaumier at   This year's CAC25 Book Fair will be held at Village [...]

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