A Young Adult Fantasy novel so full of sorcery and fantasy you may be swallowed up whole. Highly recommended!
Shannon weaves a tail of deceit and intrigue on a yacht from Vancouver, BC to Alaska, where no one is who they seem to be and danger is always present. Another seafaring adventure extraordinaire from the master storyteller and nautical adventurer himself – and one you won’t be able to put down! Highly recommended.
Looking for a fast-paced, rooting-tooting, page-turning Western? Look no further. Hansen delivers in spades. Highly recommended.
A web of lies and abuse unravel when one girl has had enough. What will she uncover and who’s to blame will have readers lining up for more! Recommended.
One man searches for the truth in the quiet hamlet of his childhood, only to uncover the terrifying reality. Thrilling and spinetingling! Joy Ross Davis knows how to keep you up at night! Highly recommended.
A delightfully imaginative, historical fiction second book in The Stockbridge Series that does not disappoint. Highly recommended!
An ancient historical mystery brought to life in the second book in the Lord Hani Mysteries. Perfect for those who love a whodunit and who’s next in this well-crafted, evocative mystery thriller! Highly recommended.
Schwartz delivers a hands-down gripping, chilling thriller that feels right at home in today’s headlines.
Welcome to a brave new world with weird and wonderful beings, unique destinations, strong characters, and a good feel for life at the top of a galactic empire with a remarkable level of detail, very much in the spirit of Isaac Asimov’s famed Foundation trilogy. The first Space Opera from the creative-duo of V & D Povall, and one that's sure to be a hit. Highly recommended!
Hopeful and highly informative, Notbohm's 3rd edition of quite possibly the best book on parenting a child with autism. Highly recommended!
McFarren sets her trap with another page-turning, thrill ride! Capture the story of love between an angel and a demon today!
What two friends will do for their beloved third is nothing short of heroic, especially when they must battle for the truth to find and keep the soul of their loved on alive. Another brilliant story told as only Karl Larew can. Highly recommended.
An intimate look at one woman’s life as she fights for her identity after her husband is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
A wonderfully creative and beautiful painted Children’s book that encourages us to paint our own skyscapes and foster imagination in us all. Highly recommended!
A 20th c. romance circling around one woman’s life of passion, gusto, and a belief that what we do can make the world a better place. A beautifully written novel that proves that one can find joy and purpose amongst death and destruction. Recommended!
What happens when a tooth fairy collects a rotten tooth? Nothing sweet! Children and those who love to read to them are sure to love the second book in the Tooth Collector Fairies series and be sure to brush better as a result! Highly recommended.
A thriller that will enthrall, with a hero in an impossible situation, against impossible odds. How will Bishop resolve the situation this time? Readers will be glad they picked this one up! Highly recommended!
Katz sets us up for an epic sci-fi that is sure to whet the appetites of Le Guin fans and those looking to get lost in an other-worldly adventure. A promising new series from an award-winning author!
Can one person make a difference in decades-long racial injustice in one American town? The answer may surprise you. Highly recommended!
Exquisitely penned and exceptionally sophisticated, Schrader offers up the precursor to her award-winning series of the Crusader Kingdoms – a joy to read! Highly recommended.