By weaving humorous metaphors, Dr. Malhotra, psychiatrist, blesses us with ways to confront fear, worry, addiction, lack of self-worth, sleeplessness, and unhealthy eating.
If you enjoyed reading "The Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells, you will enjoy reading "The Oys & Joys," a heartwarming tale of four women of a "certain age."
With a fast-paced story line and a rich cast of characters, this award-winning winning novel offers a uniquely hilarious, but scary, perspective on the how the businesses of public relations and marketing can take technology to its precipice to take advantage of a media addicted public.
A gripping tome of historical fiction that follows two Irish families who immigrated to the U.S. after Ireland's Great Famine. Well-researched and well-told story of the social, economic, and political currents of the late 1800s.
Filled with warm, sweet characters and an optimistic outlook, Sheryl Hershey’s children’s book Lila and the Dandelion helps children explore the important message of self-acceptance along with acceptance of others--even if they are different.
Those who read "Raven’s Run" will want to read this riveting sequel, but those who are new to Trudel’s work will enjoy it on its own if they are a fan of political intrigue, firearms technology, and global thrillers.
This well-researched and beautifully written Regency romance will appeal to anyone who has ever loved and (almost) lost.
A story set in the 1970’s that provides remarkable insight into the lives of a family exploring the open ocean and discovering new cultures and people.
Smart and sassy Deputy Honey Beaulieu straps on her “Peacemakers” and takes the reader on a hilarious ride through the old West’s rough-and-tumble Wyoming Territory.
This spellbinding dark and suspenseful novel will captivate Gothic fans and keep thriller addicts on the edge of their seats.
The often-unknown role of women in wartime as travel nurses and pilots, as well as the use of herbs for natural healing, add interesting and relative historical content to this engaging American saga.
A gripping dystopian-future novel that leaves us questioning just how far are we from a future of environmental chaos, and how blurred the line can be between fiction and reality.
Who really wrote Shakespeare’s plays? ---an intriguing historical novel that suggests an alternative truth about the renown playwright. It is a compelling tale set in times of war, rebellion, and Elizabethan court intrigues.
An enlightening journey through the Ivy League to discover that there is so much more about life on campus to think about than what can be found in the college guides or the university websites.
Set at a time when the old ways were yielding to the industrial age, "Timber Rose" is a timeless love story with heart as big as the mountains of the great Pacific Northwest.
An action packed story complete with some hilarious scenes can be enjoyed in this amusing and entertaining adventurous tale. Enjoy with your favorite cocktail!
Family secrets, a need for revenge, the heat of romance, a cerebral intriguing plot, and a ticking clock with a killer who needs to exact a unique form of revenge make "Banished Threads" a gripping psychological thriller.
A stirring saga featuring an ice princess with a warm heart, at war with a cold, heartless flame king in a shimmering world of crystal frost and blazing lakes.
An intriguing British mystery with a slight Texas twang, Deadly Thyme is a psychological chiller with a myriad of plot twists that will keep readers guessing to the very end.
A Kafkaesque literary trip through the brain of a brutally assaulted teenage boy whose supercharged perceptions expose the secret sins of those he wants to love and hopes to believe in.