Thank you for your submission to Chanticleer Book Reviews
You have been directed to this page to inform you on how to submit you work for:Please note that we will be unable to accept your submission unless entry fee or payment for review service has been received. Fees and payments are used to pay our professional reviewers and editors for their skills and expertise. Thank you for choosing Chanticleer Book Reviews.
Please scroll down or click on one of the three options above to select the information that pertains to your submission.
CBR Entries
Are you entering a digital copy of your work?
If yes, please use the blue sidebar to right titled CBR Digital Submission. If you have any questions or problems with using this form, please email:
- Only PDF and EPUB files can be submitted digitally.
- All published books must have an ISBN designation.
- Published books must have been published anytime after Jan. 1, 2008 until present or be under contract at time of entry.
- Select one of the five contest categories that you are entering your book or manuscript.
- It is up to the author to determine the category and if the manuscript/book submitted is typical of the category. /genre novel genre.
Or do you wish to enter printed copies of your novel/manuscript?
- Please note that three copies are required for contest judging. Two copies will be returned if SASEs are included with original submission.
If you would like two of your copies returned to you, please include a self-addressed mailing envelope with the correct postage for your books or manuscripts. Books will not be returned if SASEs are not included.
Please mail your copies to:
Chanticleer Book Reviews, a division of Delta Latitude, L.L.C. CBR Blue Ribbon Awards, Published Cozy Novel Contest 2012 OR Unpublished Cozy Novel Contest 20121050 Larrabee Avenue, Suite 104 # 334
Bellingham, WA 98225
Score Sheets will be returned if a SASE with two first class stamps is provided. Please note the title and category of submission on the lower left hand corner of the envelope.
Manuscript Reviews by Chanticleer Book Reviews
Manuscript reviews are for unpublished works of fiction and non-fiction.
Are you entering a digital copy of your manuscript?
If yes, please use the blue sidebar to right titled CBR Digital Submission. If you have any questions or problems with using this form, please email:
Or do wish to submit a printed copy of your manuscript?
- Please note that we will require two copies of it.
- If you would like one of your copies returned to you, please include a self-addressed mailing envelope with the correct postage for your manuscript to be returned.
- Manuscripts will not be returned if SASEs are not included.
If you submit a print-out of your manuscript, please attach an information sheet listing your name, title of work, address, phone number, email address and category to each print-out and mail to:
Chanticleer Book Reviews, a division of Delta Latitude, L.L.C. Manuscript Review Service 1050 Larrabee Avenue, Suite 104 # 334Bellingham, WA 98225
Fees are non-refundable. CBR reserves the right not to review any manuscript that our editorial staff deems to be graphically inappropriate, obscene, or if the work promotes hate.
Chanticleer Book Review of Your Published Book*
Written book review of your published work. Chanticleer Book Reviews are for published works of fiction and non-fiction.
Are you entering a digital copy of your book?
If yes, please use the blue sidebar to right titled CBR Digital Submission. If you have any questions or problems with using this form, please email:
Or do wish to submit a printed copy of your book?
- Please note that we will require two copies of it. One copy may be returned if a SASE is included.
- If you would like one of your copies returned to you, please include a self-addressed mailing envelope with the correct postage for your manuscript to be returned. The other one will be added to Chanticleer Book Reviews library.
- Books will not be returned if SASEs are not included.
If you are submitting two printed copies of your book, please attach an information sheet listing your name, title of work, address, phone number, email address and category and enclose with both copies. to each print-out and mail to:
Chanticleer Book Reviews, a division of Delta Latitude, L.L.C., Published Book Review Service1050 Larrabee Avenue, Suite 104 # 334
Bellingham, WA 98225
Fees are non-refundable. CBR reserves the right not to review any manuscript that our editorial staff deems to be graphically inappropriate or obscene or promotes hate. *Books over 90,000 words may require additional fees.
Authors who pay for a Chanticleer Book Review have the choice of whether or not to have their review published and posted on the Chanticleer Website.