The CHAUCER Writing Competition recognizes emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Historical Fiction. The Chaucer Awards is a division of Chanticleer International Novel Writing Competitions.
More than $30,000.00 dollars worth of cash and prizes will be awarded to Chanticleer Book Reviews 2015 writing competition winners at the Chanticleer Authors Conference April 30, 2016!
We received an unprecedented amount of entries for the 2015 Chaucer Awards. Due to demand, we will divide the Chaucer Awards into two separate contests for 2016: The CHAUCER Awards for historical fiction prior to 1750 and the GOETHE Awards for Historical Fiction after 1750 until the 1970s.
This is the Official Finalists List of the Authors and Titles of Works that have made it to the Short-list of the Chaucer 2015 Novel Writing Contest.
The Chaucer Awards FIRST IN CATEGORY sub-genres are: Pre-Historical Fiction, Ancient Historical Fiction, World/International History (non-western culture historical fiction), Dark Ages, Medieval, Renaissance, Elizabethan/Tudor 1600’s, Historical Young Adult.
The following titles will compete for the FIRST IN CATEGORY Positions and Awards Packages
- Marc Graham for Song of Songs: A Novel of the Queen of Sheba
- Daniel K Gilbert for The Eternal Dream
- Martha Conway for Thieving Forest
- O.W. Shumaker for Anna’s Bear -5 Days of Moral Conflict and Fierce Pursuit – In Nazi Germany, 1939
- Nicki Chen for Tiger Tail Soup, A Novel of China at War
- Jim Fuxa for Zizka, The One-eyed
- Russell Hill & Jeffrey Smith for Mesabi Pioneers
- Robert Wright for Valhalla Revealed
- David E. Huntley – Death Watch Beetle
- Paul B McNulty for Spellbound by Sibella
- Steve Doherty for Operation King Cobra
- S. Thomas Bailey for Blood Lines-The Gauntlet Runner Book 4
- Larry K. & Lorna Collins for The Memory Keeper
- Michael Scheffel for St. Louis Affair: The Adventures of Herbert Falken
- Andy Kutler for The Other Side of Life
- Richard Carl Roth for Endangered Eagle
- T. M. Carter for The Lion of the Cross: Tales of a Templar Knight
- CG Fewston for A Time to Love in Tehran
- Joyce DiPastena for The Lady and the Minstrel
- Catherine A Wilson and Catherine T Wilson for The Order of the Lily
- Troy B. Kechely for Stranger’s Dance
- Glen Craney for The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army
- Glen Craney for The Spider and the Stone: A Novel of Scotland’s Black Douglas
- Leif Gregersen for Those Who Dare To Dream
- Kelly-Lynne Reimer for Broken Glass
- Amanda Frost for Provenance
- Deborah Fleming for Without Leave
- Marina Osipova for The Cruel Romance
- Brigitte Goldstein for Death of a Diva-From Berlin to Broadway
- Leon J. Radomile for The Spear of Lepanto
- Patrick Gabridge for Steering to Freedom
- Jocelyn Cullity for The Red Year
- James Conroyd Martin for The Warsaw Conspiracy
- Nancy Foshee for O’er the Ramparts
- Susan Örnbratt for The Particular Appeal of Gillian Pugsley
- E.A. Haltom for Gwendolyn’s Sword
- K.S. Jones for Shadow Of The Hawk
- Anjali Mitter Duva for Faint Promise of Rain
- Joan Fallon for The Shining City
- Joan Fallon for The Only Blue Door
- Meredith Pechta for The Prejudice that Divides Us
- Eleanor Tatum for Gray Lace
- John Hallman for Punic Wars
- Edmond G. Addeo for A Tale of the Yosemite
- Bruce Macbain for Odin’s Child
- Gregory Warwick Hansen for Pelsaert’s Nightmare
- Jerrie Brock for Pawn to King’s Right
- Nicole Evelina for Madame Presidentess
- JD Slade for Last Children of the Valley
- Jess Curry for Nixon And Dovey
- Jayme Mansfield for Chasing the Butterfly
- Ethel Morgan Smith for Out of Bone
- Mary Kay Thill for The Uncrowned King: A Story of Lorenzo Medici
- E.A. Haltom for Gwendolyn’s Sword
- Sara Dahmen for Doctor Kinney’s Housekeeper
- Joan Fallon for The Shining City
- Anna Castle for Death by Disputation
- James B. McPike for The Lost Prophet
- Paula Butterfield for La Luministe
- Diana Wilder for The City of Refuge
- Glen Alan Burke for Jesse
- Rose Seiler Scott for Threaten to Undo Us
- McKendree Long for Higher Ground
- Helena P. Schrader for Defender of Jerusalem & Knight of Jerusalem
- Christian Kachel for Spoils of Olympus: By the Sword
This is the complete listing of the 2015 Chaucer Finalists.
The Chaucer Finalists will compete for the Chaucer Awards First In Category Positions, which consists of Four Judging Rounds. First Place Category Award winners will automatically be entered into the Chaucer GRAND PRIZE AWARD competition, which has a cash prize of $250 or $500 dollars in editorial services. The CBR Grand Prize Genre Winners will compete for the CBR Overall Grand Prize for Best Book and its $1,000 purse.
- All First In Category Award Winners will receive high visibility along with special badges to wear during the Chanticleer Authors Conference and Awards Gala.
- First In Category winners will compete for the Chaucer Awards Grand Prize Award for the $250 purse and the Chaucer Grand Prize Ribbon and badges.
- TEN genre Grand Prize winning titles will compete for the $1,000 purse for CBR Best Book and Overall Grand Prize.
- A coveted Chanticleer Book Review valued at $345 dollars U.S. CBR reviews will be published in the Chanticleer Reviews magazine in chronological order as to posting.
- A CBR Blue Ribbon to use in promotion at book signings and book festivals
- Digital award stickers for on-line promotion
- Adhesive book stickers
- Shelf-talkers and other promotional items
- Promotion in print and on-line media
- Review of book distributed to on-line sites and printed media publications
- Review, cover art, and author synopsis listed in CBR’s newsletter
- Default First in Category winners will not be declared. Contests are based on merit and writing craft in all of the Chanticleer Writing Competitions.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions at Info@ChantiReviews.com.
Congratulations to the Finalists in this fiercely competitive contest!
Good Luck to all of the Chaucer Finalists as they compete for the coveted First Place Category positions.
First In Category announcements will be made in our social media postings as the results come in.
The Chaucer Grand Prize Winner will be announced at the April 30th, 2016 Chanticleer Writing Contests Annual Awards Gala, which takes place on the last evening of the Chanticleer Authors Conference that will be held in Bellingham, Wash.
We are now accepting submissions into the 2016 Chaucer Awards and the Goethe Awards writing competitions for Historical Fiction. Please click here for more information or to enter the contests.
[…] Anyway, I’m thrilled to announce that Madame Presidentess is a finalist in the 2015 Chaucer Awards for Historical Fiction! I entered it as a manuscript since it’s not published yet. I am so honored! There is so much more I still plan to do to that book before it comes out in July, so to be a finalist already is such a mind-blowing thing. Here’s the official announcement. […]
[…] I just found out that Daughter of Destiny (under its previous title, Guinevere of Northgallis) is a finalist for the 2015 Chaucer Awards for historical fiction. It will be in a separate category from Madame Presidentess, which is also a finalist. Here’s the list showing both books. […]
[…] Chanticleer Book Reviews […]
So proud to have SHADOW OF THE HAWK on the Short-List for the Chaucer Award!
Congratulations to all, and especially to Dan Gilbert. It was an honor to see his book develop at the Ann Arbor Writer’s Group, and an education to see the kind of work it takes for all these talented writers.
[…] CHAUCER Awards for Historical Fiction 2015 […]
So pleased to have been named finalists for THE MEMORY KEEPER!
Larry K. & Lorna Collikns
[…] first female presidential candidate, earned first place in the Women’s US History category of the Chaucer Awards for Historical Fiction. Nicole is currently working on her first non-fiction book, THE ONCE AND […]
[…] female presidential candidate, earned first place in the Women’s US History category of the Chaucer Awards for Historical Fiction. Nicole is currently working on her first non-fiction book, THE ONCE AND […]