Back to School Sales Bundle

2024 Specials
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Brand: Chanticleer Book Reviews

Back to School Sales?

They’re not just for kids!

We are offering for a LIMITED TIME - September 16th - the following awesome sale!

If you are already a member of The Roost, you know the great member discounts that you receive on reviews, conferences, and CIBA entry fees!

If you are NOT a member of The Roost, we invite you to take advantage of the great once a year sale!

Roost sign-ups are typically available only in-person at Conferences or for our First Place Winners. We’ve worked hard to cultivate this community of professionals. And it's open now to you, but only through September 16th!

Sign up now for

  • A Chanticleer Editorial Review ($495)
  • Two entries to the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards ($198)
  • And a Full Year as Chanticleer Members on the Roost (priceless) - free for one year with this bundle!

All for $645

As summer comes to a close, we’re excited to offer a bundle that includes a year’s worth of access to our online platform filled with goodies and discounts for authors: The Roost!

The Roost is our exclusive membership platform where we perch together to share knowledge and connect with our community of expert authors.

Every year after Labor Day the publishing industry comes back to life after the "dog days" of summer, and we're happy to crow with the dawn and welcome it back!

A Rooster with the words The Roost at Chanticleer
The Roost is our Favorite Spot to Perch!
Don't Miss out on these upcoming events in September!
  • Weekly Tuesday Morning Write-Ins with David Beaumier
  • Weekly Wednesday Evening Write-Ins with Phoebe Walker and Janet Oakley
  • Monthly Thriller Craft Discussions with Dena Weigel
  • Monthly Writing Craft Discussions with David Beaumier
  • Monthly Recorded Workshops - Upcoming is Kickstarting Your Book with Kiffer Brown and David Beaumier, 9/13 at 1pm PST
  • Virtual Happy Hour (9/16 at 5pm PST) with Kiffer Brown
  • We're available for virtual Office Hours on the Roost!
  • Private "Chat" connections with other members and the Chanticleer Team!
Plus Perpetual Discounts and Early Bird Deals on our Annual Authors Conference, Editorial Reviews, and the CIBAs!
The Roost is a space driven by community! We build and add to it based on what our members ask for and want. Join us, and help transform the space into whatever you want it to be! It is a great place to perch for writers!
Roost sign-ups are typically available only in-person at Conferences or for our First Place Winners. We’ve worked hard to cultivate this community of professionals. And it's open now to you, but only through September 15th!

Sign up now for

A Chanticleer Editorial Review ($495)

Two entries to the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards ($198)

And a Full Year as Chanticleer Members on the Roost (priceless)

All for $645

You do not have to use Editorial Book Review and CIBA entries now. You may save them to use in the future for your works.

The Roost Membership will start within 72 hours of payment for the Back to School Bundle and will be valid until October 2025.

What does that include?

The Objective Editorial Review

Every book that receives a Chanticleer Editorial Review written by one of our professional reviewers receives the following:

  • Published online on the Chanticleer Reviews website for easy linking
  • Each online published review comes with a built-in All IN One Search Engine Optimization package (AIOSEO) to maximize the review and the book title/author’s digital footprint.
    • AIOSEO interfaces with Google, Bing, Firefox, and Explorer search engines.
    • We carefully apply AIOSEO techniques to increase higher search rankings for each review.
    • AIOSEO allows for easier integration into Google Analytics.
  • Each posted review comes with SEO metadata to optimize Google searches and Amazon crawlers.
  • Digital links to Amazon, Independent Bookstores, and the Author or Publisher’s website.
  • Each review is posted to our social media for easy sharing and commenting by the author/publisher.
  • All our reviews are promoted and highlighted in our Newsletter.
  • We continue to periodically post the review to social media and in blogposts with links to the review on our website for long-term marketing and to refresh digital footprints.

The Coveted Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards (CIBAs)

You know you want it.

A blank sample of the Chanticleer Overall Grand Prize Badge with the words

The CIBAs run year round with promotions always popping up on our website to celebrate the incredible authors who advance. Starting at the Long List, we begin promoting work on our high-traffic website, on social media, and in our newsletter.

From that point we add in digital badges, promotional stickers. By the time we reach the $1000 cash prize for the Overall Grand Prize Winner, we’ve given away over $30,000 worth of prizes!

With all that plus our under the hood marketing technology, it’s no surprise that the CIBAs are the most popular of all our offerings at Chanticleer.

AND a yearlong membership in The Roost, Chanticleer's Private Community for Writers and Publishing Professionals.

A Rooster in a laurel saying Welcome to the Chanticleer Authors Club

Can't do the bundle but still want to join?

Reach out to for a discount code and sign up today!


we will be in contact with you via email about accessing the services and signing up on the Roost!

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